BW/BW2 Rival ideas anyone?

What will the new rival be like?

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stitchesx0 said:
he/she/it should be a stalker. i dunno, just randomly popped into my head.

I don't know...your rival is perpetually following you and is almost obsessed with battling you in 2nd and 4th gen. Sounds kinda stalker-ish to me.

A fun idea that I've thought about for a Pokémon game is having three rivals, one for each element of starter. Your primary rival would have the type opposed to yours, and one rival would be the friendly rival who just loves Pokémon, one rival would be the competitor who acknowledges you as a worthy opponent, and one would be the total jerk. You'd end up facing all three at the tournament (replacing the E4) at the end, with your primary rival being your ultimate opponent.

Since the above would never happen, we've never had a competition-focused rival who respects you before, so I'd like to see one of those.
Sevus said:
I don't know...your rival is perpetually following you and is almost obsessed with battling you in 2nd and 4th gen. Sounds kinda stalker-ish to me.

A fun idea that I've thought about for a Pokémon game is having three rivals, one for each element of starter. Your primary rival would have the type opposed to yours, and one rival would be the friendly rival who just loves Pokémon, one rival would be the competitor who acknowledges you as a worthy opponent, and one would be the total jerk. You'd end up facing all three at the tournament (replacing the E4) at the end, with your primary rival being your ultimate opponent.

Since the above would never happen, we've never had a competition-focused rival who respects you before, so I'd like to see one of those.

You stated 4 rivals.
Sevus said:
I don't know...your rival is perpetually following you and is almost obsessed with battling you in 2nd and 4th gen. Sounds kinda stalker-ish to me.

A fun idea that I've thought about for a Pokémon game is having three rivals, one for each element of starter. Your primary rival would have the type opposed to yours, and one rival would be the friendly rival who just loves Pokémon, one rival would be the competitor who acknowledges you as a worthy opponent, and one would be the total jerk. You'd end up facing all three at the tournament (replacing the E4) at the end, with your primary rival being your ultimate opponent.

Since the above would never happen, we've never had a competition-focused rival who respects you before, so I'd like to see one of those.

good idea, only how would you keep up with that
that would be alot of rival battles
Yeah but the ying-yang how some of you said make one of the legendaires bad so i dont think that happens
I think it will be Aragi's sister (for me she is too young)
I liked the dynamic where the rival was your friend and you liked him as a character like with barry. hopefully that will happen again. and the rivals could always be the opposite gender character of the one you pick, so it could be a friendly may kinda thing.
I HATED Barry... Always fining me for being late? Can I fine you for being an impatient, douche? lol. But yeah, I REALLY love the Idea of an ACTUAL tournament for the E4 instead of 5 people just waiting for YOU to come and battle them for the WHOLE TIME YOU ARE PLAYING. Adding 3-4 rivals (for a neighbour, a random person you meet thats LIKE your neighbour, a silver-esque dude and a contest/pokeatholon rival) would be awesome as well. But we can just doze off for dream land with these ideas as GF will NEVER do it.
I think the rival could be the exact opposite of the main character (To go with the whole yin yang idea)
A dark version of you? Or the leader of the villain team himself? All these thoughts, HURTING...BRAIN!
I think its going to be like Barry, and in the end either he would win first and you would have to beat him, or you both get there at the same time, and he allows you to go first, showing that he lost him immaturity and impacience. Or he could be like Silver, and you would have to battle him in the end (like Red) causing the game to end?
God please don't let him be like Barry!!! I still owe that guy millions of dollars!
Ice Arceus said:
Having more then 1 rival might be cool. Though I don't think that would happen. It would be quite hectic around the game because they would keep coming and ask for a battle. I really think that the game creators are going to stick with 1 rival.

RSE had two rivals, Brendan/May and Wally
I think a good rival would be one who had an adapted team to suit your starter (like Barry), you don't know them at the start of the game, and they're working for the evil team (Could be their son like Silver and evil team boss battles could be replaced by rival battles, except for when you battle his/her father and they could double-battle you.) and their pokemon level up to match your current team, until they get to lv 100. actually, don't think GF will go for that, but hey