Wi-Fi Trades Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Adamant Vespiquen and others up for grabs! Breeding serv

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Do you loooooves me? <3
Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store!

Friend code: 0689 7560 8890 Heartgold
  1. All Pokebeach rules apply here also.
  2. No spamming. A blacklist will be applied otherwise.
  3. Do not go: "What do you want for ____?" I will most likely ignore this.
  4. Richkid50000 and I are not on 24 hours a day, so do not expect that.
  5. Lastly, this is mostly richkid's thread due to what he has, but do not overlook me.
My part will be updated later on when richkid and I work out the last kincks, but besides that, this is our store. I do not have a lot, but if I do get more and more pokemon, I will be able to give away better items. So, my haves:

Legendaries and special pokemon: (must be cloned)
  • Zapdos
  • Ho-Oh
  • Lugia
  • Suicune
  • Entei
  • Latias
  • Entei
  • Articuno
  • Rayquaza
  • Mewtwo
  • Moltres
  • Raikou
  • Flychu! (Took a long time to get, so high offer with clone)
If you cannot tell, I have Heartgold, so please bear with what I have.

  • Pinsir
  • Girafarig
  • Snorlax
  • Squirtle (needs to be breed to be taken)
  • Jigglypuff
  • Ponyta
  • Budew
  • Machop
  • Volbeat
  • Dunsparce
  • Tauros
  • Buneary (must be breed)
  • Magnemite
  • Rattata
  • Wooper
  • Slowpoke
  • Bellsprout
  • Bidoof (sadly, must be breed)
  • Togepi
  • Vaporeon (must be breed)
  • Sentret
  • Onix
  • Geodude
  • SHINY Gyarados (high offers and must be cloned)
  • Vespiquen
The list goes on and on...

I am sure you are wondering why I put worthless pokemon in there. Well, it is because of my wants section. I really need Sinnoh and Hoenn pokemon, so I am hoping to get the base pokemon in an evolution line for pokemon like these. I will evolve some if you wish, as all I have to do is the Battle Frontier, really. Now, my wants:
  • Any donation of events
  • Any legendary
  • Any shiny
  • Sinnoh Starters, Torchic, and Treeko
  • Any Sinnoh or Hoenn pokemon
I will also have a breeding service here. More will be available with the more pokemon that I have. So, if you want a specific breeding, fill out this form:
  1. What pokemon are you looking for?
  2. What move are you looking for?
  3. Any specific nature? If so, state.
Adding to this form is now a Safari Zone form. It is almost like the breeding form, except instead of the last two spots, you put what you would give in return. Remember, the more time it takes, the more I want in return.

Waiting list:
1. Grizzly: Rotom and Ralts for Munchlax and a Female Combee
2. Coolkid: TRU Arceus Clone for HG Kyogre
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! *Not opening doors until richkid is ready*

I will do pokedex trades if you want to
I cannot Clone so i will have to ask another person to clone
I can breed(not good with IV's or the nature thing yet)
I cannot EV
Darkrai, Arceus, and Shaymin Are welcomed providing they are the event ones)


Various Teddiursas With Pickup
Have to Check Game For the rest
Pikachu Colored Pichu(both trained one at LV 35 and one at 30 Still
Oaks Letter Shaymin(UT i think)
Gamestop Deoxys
Gamestop Jirachi
Movie Darkrai
Rayquaza, Brave, Lv.50 - HP: 178 (26/0),Atk: 187 (30/0),Def: 100 (10/0),Sp.Atk: 161 (12/0),Sp.Def: 108 (26/0),Spd: 98 (18/0)

Item Haves:
Almost anything you can get at the Pokeathlon i can get for you
xX Master Ball(AR cheat code)
Have to check games for the rest

Breeding Service:
I will breed. I at this moment don't get the whole breed for natures thing so i cant do that quite yet. Will try and start IV breeding once i figure that out.(is the nature thing where you get a good natured ditto and put an everstone on it and then that nature will go to the egg?)(IV breeding just happens randomly right?)

Currently Breeding:
Teddiursa With Pickup

Movie Arceus
Movie Shaymin
Movie Darkrai
Shiny Pikachu
EV'ed Pikachu
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! *Not opening doors until richkid is ready*

With that, our shop is now opening it's doors! Please start your requests!
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Doors are now open!

ill get to updating my list more as time goes on. but welcome to our trade thread. please come and trade.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Doors are now open! Breeding service from both owners available!

Sorry that I do not have much on my part, but like I said, with successful trades, everything can flourish!
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Could you CML for a Teddiursa?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

pickup teddiursa for either bulbasaur or squirtle?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

I am going to let you take this richkid, as you have already started it. Also, do you have a Ralts richkid? I need it to get a surfchu...
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

i can try and get one.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

OK, thank you! I kind of need some sort of new revenue, so it will help.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

I have a Bulbasaur egg if you want to go ahead and trade now
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Saying richkid is not on, I will try to fill this order as well. I would actually like something along the lines of a Hoenn or Sinnoh pokemon if that is okay.
EDIT: Never mind. Teddiursa is SS. xD
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

lmao Joey, is that your FC in the first thread? If so, PM me and we can trade my good sir.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

For what, precisely? I do not have Teddiursa due to me having Heartgold.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Oh. Brain fart on my end. Would you trade your Snorlax?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Umm... I value it dearly, so it will have to be cloned. What were you thinking of trading it for?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

See anything on my list you were interested in? If not, ask and see if there is something and I'll check and see if I have it
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