Wi-Fi Trades Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Adamant Vespiquen and others up for grabs! Breeding serv

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RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Bre

richkid50000 said:
ckm555: i have various eevee eggs. if it doesnt matter what nature, IV's, etc... they are i can get you one. okay. for the rayquaza i just need it cloned like you said.
I don't care about nature, IV's, etc. That would be fine
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

However, I would be interested in the Arceus, of course when I am able to trade. Anything you see that would be worthy?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Grizzly: are you still in need of that teddiursa?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

I am also available for Safari Zone pokemon, as soon as Thursday comes, when I might become ungrounded.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Okay, I need a HG Kyogre. I'd trade a TRU arceus CLONE for that.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Me? If so, OK, but it will be a few days as stated earlier. I will add a waiting list to my front page.
EDIT: The Kyogre needs to be cloned too.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

ill give you my shiny graveler for your pichu
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Joey, I caught a Ralts. Just waiting on getting another Rotom egg. I'll let you know when I get that egg. That way, I can still have a Rotom lol
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

pikachu: which pichu?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Okay, we can trade tomorrow, when I get my stuff back. *Yays!* Richkid, I think EmoPikachu was talking to you. *Points at Pikachu-Colored Pichu*
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

the pikachu colored one
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Sadly, 4 day BUMP!
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

saving joey from bumping. BUMP

anyone have any shaymins for me?
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Afraid not. I now have a VESPIQUEN if anyone wants it! I do not care what I get for it, as long as it is either a Hoenn or Sinnoh pokemon.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

BUMP! I am currently in the Yellow Forest if anyone wants anything.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

i will be getting the winner's path tomorrow so ill have stuff from there. also am in yellow forest. i cant figure out how to get surf and flychu's yet though.
RE: Rk50 and Joey's trading extravaganza store! Offering shinies and legendaries! Breeding service available!

Well, !! gives a 3% chance. Adamant Vespiquen still available!
Do you happen to have Piplup, Chimchar, or Hippopotas? If you do I can trade a Hoenn Pokemon for it.
I have Ruby + Sapphire so I can get most Hoenn pokemon. How bout like a Nincada?
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