DPPt/HGSS Rk50k's Breeding Express: New Auction: Shiny Eevee!

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I can DEFINITELY EV it for you. Just meet me on and trade it, i'll clone and give soem back, then get to EVing.

Tell me the exact Evs you want and what Eeveelution.

252 HP / 200 Atk / 56 SpD

thats what i want it to be if possible.
I did evolve a PCP and it was Shiny. Trust me. And as for the dogs, maybe another time.
Do you want the Shiny Pikachu?
EDIT: It has the exact same moveset, the exact same nature, AND a Classic Ribbon in case you do not believe me. If we can trade, can I get a clone?
richkid, wish and curse have to be bred onto it using egg moves. I can't EV it with those moves and since it's IVs are probably bad, it won't be good for OU play.
*gah*. If I EV it there would still be no point in using it. And Umbreon can really only run a set with Wish, Curse, Yawn on it, which are all egg moves i can't obtain on it.
No. All I have is a Wish and Protect Eevee, but that is being used in my auction. I know you said Eeveelution, but that way you can do with it what you want. Thanks anyway.
Is that shiny Eevee a bread one or the VGC one?
If it's the VGC one, I'd like to enter w/RCP (Raichu Color Pikachu/Shiny Pikachu).
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