charidude said:The pokedex! I almost forgot. Flygon and I could start working on it if you'd like. Tell us what to include.
Flygon999 said:Pokedex? Like umm...what is that?
I like Garveen so far.
Juliacoolo said:I was thinking
1st - Normal - Nathan
2nd - Rock - Ryan
3rd- Psychic - Seth
4rth - Electric - Eric
5th - Water - Wanda
6th - Dark - David
7th - Steel - Silvia
8th -
Rather Mixed -bobSlyzen
or Ground - George.
BTW flygon, I'd like to help with map design, and plot.
charidude said:-gym leader 1- water- Selveria
pronounced: sell- very- uh
-gym leader 2- ground- Gruben
pronounced: Groo- bin
-gym leader 3- fire- Reverii
pronounced: Re- veer- ee
-gym leader 4- psychic- Malvere
pronounced: Mall- vair
-gym leader 5- flying- Wilver
pronounced: Will- ver
-gym leader 6- poison- Veetil
pronounced: Vee- till
-gym leader 7- ghost- trikina
pronounced: trii- keen- uh
-gym leader 8- ice- Carth
pronounced: car- th
EDIT:Lol I didn't realised you just came up with them. Let Flygon decide which ones to use
Problem with your Juliacooloo. The elite four already have a steel and electric trainePr