RNG help

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Well you have to tell us what exactly you're doing before we can help. Such as what Pokemon, Wild Pokemon, Encounter Pokemon, Roaming legends, etc.
If you have a target frame of one, you don't need to do any frame advancement, just encounter the Pokémon via a method that has a monster frame of 1 (i.e. standard tall grass encounter). Otherwise, you can advance the frame every 128 steps by the number of Pokémon in your party (this applies only to the MTIVRNG though, you'll have to do other advancements such as saving to advance the PIDRNG).
Monster frame is just another term for the starting frame of an encounter; because Cobalion is a stationary legendary, its monster frame is one, hence when you encounter it, the frame jumps up by one (for IVs). So to use a theoretical example, if you wanted Cobalion on a frame of 6, you'd advance 5 frames and then encounter it, as the actual action of going into battle with it will compensate for that last frame. If it's on frame 1, you don't need to do any frame advancements at all by that same principle.
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