Card components by PokemonCardRecources
Pokémon art by Nakigon
Pokémon art by Nakigon
Potentially reduce up to 570 damage with Sludge Fest GX
Now it's time for Pangoro GX! I have some badass art and attack ideas ready.
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Pancham and Pangoro GX! This card makes for an excellent budget deck. I wanted to reward players for not playing abilities, instead of shutting them off with garbotoxin. Pangoro GX also happens to be a good counter against Mismagius GX.
Card components by PokemonCardRecources
Pangoro art by nganlamsong
Pancham art by Delano-Laramie
Fighting weakness doesn't suit Pangoro, he is a master of martial art. Pangoro is 4x weak to Fairy so I went with that instead.
This is what happens when I decide to quit for a while
Lugia Prism is an instant staple in every deck list. I excluded cards like N and Cynthia to give mill decks a winning chance. You can't re-use Sycamore / Juniper either.
Serena is here to help stage 2 decks and none-GX stage 1. The effect isn't very innovative but since the absence of Wally in standard (and soon Brigette too) it could act as a replacement. I intentialy left out EX Pokémon, this way Mega Pokémon become a bit more viable in expanded. XY trainers are all about Mega evolution so it's fitting too.
Red is Hex Maniac and Pokémon Ranger in one! Although both effects are different in a way. Red is a very versatile card!
Meloetta GX has a simple but effective 2 turn strategy: use Perish Song in order to put 5 damage counters on 2 of your opponent's Pokémon. Then K.O. them both with Breathtaking! Role Play Meloetta is also a counter against Zoroark GX (and many of my previous GX Pokémon)undefined
On the Lugia, where do you put the supporter instead?
OkThey remain in your hand ^_^