RBY Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Episode 6ish: I am bad at updating

Rock Wrecker

I want to be a Pokemon master :-)
Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke! (RRRR)

So all of the peoples have been doing the Nuzlockes so I decided to do one after being inspired by Bippa's. Now my Nuzlocke is no ordinary Nuzlocke. It is a Rnuzlocke on the original Pokemon Red. Originally I was going to do the Nuzlocke on my first game evar Pokemon Blue that I got for Christmas when I was liek 5 or 6. I'm only twelve now so Blue wasn't a new game then so I'm not liek 20 or anything. My friend told me to buy Pokemon Blue so that we could trade. Turns out he had Firered xD. My game never saved so I never got super far.

Rules of the Rnuzlocke:
  • First Pokemon seen in an area is the only one that can be caught
  • When a Pokemon faints it's dead
  • All Pokemon must have Pokebeach members for their name
Now I'll get on to the game. I started with Blue hoping it would save. Names were really short apparently when Pokemon first came out so I have to stick with Rock. Professor Oak introduces me to my rival that I've never seen before so of course I've known since I was a baby. My rival was his grandson, but Oak couldn't remember his name. (Jeez they let this Oak guy handle rare Pokemon? I hope one day he doesn't forget what he's doing and gets mauled by a Pokemon or something.) This kid is obviously sonicmoj because... he looks trolly I guess. Names have to be superdupershort so I name him sonic. I magically appear in my house where my Super Nintendo tells me that I can't play it. So I go down stairs and my mom tells me all about how the TV told her that I had to grow up and wander the world aimlessly with Pokemon. (Jeez woman get a life. You shouldn't sit around watching the TV all day. That's what I do.) I leave the house and walk into some harmless looking grass, but Professor Oak tells me I'll be eaten alive without Pokemon. I'm not sure if I trust this old man, since he has severe amnesia. He says I can have one of his Pokemon for for free so I follow him. I was going to choose Squirtle, but he's ugly in the original games. I go the hard way (like Afro would) and choose Charmander which I name Bippa because he inspired me to do this Rnuzlocke and I was to lazy to find someone else for a name. Sonicmoj chooses the ugly Squirtle cuz he's a troll. He challenges me so Bippa Scratches the ugly eyes out of his Squirtle. Sonic is like a homo or something because when I beat him he says that he'll smell me and his psychotic grandpa later.

Episode 1: The World of Pokemon is full of Pushy People
The save doesn't work so I restart with my Red that I bought a few years ago. And Bippa dies ;_; So I restart. AGAIN. Now the real journey begins! I get into Viridian City and read a very informative sign about pp on the way. A strange lady at the Pokemart tells me that I HAVE to to deliver some mail to Oak who has to be deranged. When I give him the mail he tells me I HAVE to fulfill his life dream and shoves a Pokedex into my hand. Jeez pushy people are everywhere in this world. But I have to stay strong. I grab some Pokeballs in Viridian and go on to catch a Pidgey right before Viridian Forest. (They look so realistic in the original games it's scary o_o) I name it mlouden. Don't ask me why because I don't know either. On entering the forest I catch a Weedle and name it pninenine after P99 because Shedninja and Weedle are both bugs. (stupid names have to be so small) I grind for a while and evolve pninenine into a Kakuna. I freak out when I see a Pikachu and I wish somehow that could've been my catch, but I had been grinding a long while. My game turns off as expected because my brother lost the plug. I saved a lot so I didn't lose too much data. This is it for a few days because I will have to rely on a car charger for battery.

Episode 2: I Sure Hope this isn't Anything like Twilight...

So Bippa tells me that he doesn't like dying and that I can get a Mankey near the Pokemon League. In about an hour of grinding there, I saw no Mankey. Sonicmoj decides to be a jerk and shows up at the Pokemon League before I have the chance to get a Pokemon, but Bippa and Mlouden destroy him. Just for that I name the Rattata I find there Sonicmoj because he will be my HM slave because I uh... want Sonic to be my slave... I grind for a long time because I think Brock will be tough. After a while, Pninenine evolves into a Beedrill. Pokemon become very scarce in Viridian City. The grass by the Pokemon becomes my training grounds as I said before in the not finding one single Mankey. Bippa evolves into a Charmeleon after a lot of grinding. I get my Pokemon to the levels shown now for the team and look up Brock's team. I find out his Pokemon only have Normal type moves and decide that my team is good for the challenge. When I get there... Brock is shirtless... ew. I try to use Pninenine and Mlouden, but the don't do a thing to either Pokemon. So I bring up Bippa who easily beats Geodude. When Onix comes up I use Ember, until he uses Bide. Then I Growl at him until he uses Bide. Nothing happens. He must've gotten scared or something. I continue to use Ember until I finish him off, winning my first badge! Now off to Cerulean City!

Episode 2 1/2: Herp Derp
This is a very small update. The good amount of trainers before Mt. Moon let me evolve mlouden into Pidgeotto. He doesn't learn any Flying type moves for a looooooooooooooooooong while so it's good that I caught a Spearow in that area. I name Spearow Afro because well, Afro lieks hard things. Afro's whole entire face is very hard and it's kind of puffed up so I named it Afro. I get to Mt. Moon and catch a Zubat there and I name it DSJ because I guess Zubat seems all dark to me. I just caught the Zubat cuz it wuz there... is it evar uzeful? When in the Pokecenter I see the dude selling Magikarpz. I decide to buy one because a Gyarados can be useful, right? I name it catutie because Magikarp is all herp derp and catutie, well... need I say more? I didn't get to do much this episode so I could possibly make it a full Episode 3 later, or just make a different one about a little bit more stuff.

Episode: 4 1/3?: Uh... Rockets and Misty and Death, Oh My!

I'll keep this chapter short even though I think it is longer than every other one combined. So I train, train, train, blah, blah, blah and then I face one of my first Rockets which has a Raticate Lv. 16. It was the first time I came close to death. I grind a little until I think I can beat Misty. I face her and... I easily beat her first Pokemon! Well Starmie shouldn't be too hard right? Right?! I bring out Mlouden my best Pokemon, but only after switching for the herp derp little catutie. That was a mistake. I leave mlouden out too long and a crit kills my first and my best Pokemon :[ I easily beat Misty with Pninenine, but the damage was done... When I go by Bill's place I get a Pidgey and in memory of Mlouden I named it mlouden :[ Later I level it up into a Pidgeotto in the legacy of the first mlouden. Later while grinding I evolve catutie into a Gyarados! He is now my bestest Pokemon. Afro died somewhere during the journey... that was person... I caught an Oddish and named it Hatman because it looks like those Pokemon have hats :3 I did really well in Diglett Cave, but one Diglett finally actually knew Dig... that ended badly... When I got a Diglett there I named it Cris and I was doing really well with it... and then I left it in battle too long with a Ratatta... a crit ended his life... Well that's it. I'm going to Chicago so I will write a better chapter next time I hope. Doing some grinding before I face Lt. Surge, I still have the Dig TM which I think I'll use on Bippa. Comments and advice are always helpful, thanks!
  • Bippa Lv. 40
  • catutie Lv. 37
  • Pninenine Lv. 45
  • Shadow-L Lv. 36
  • mlouden :[ Lv. 37
  • Xdogking Lv. 25

  • Sonicmoj Lv. 6
  • DSJ Lv. 10
  • DNA Lv. 7
  • T eh Afro Lv. 20

    Burial Grounds:
  • mlouden Lv. 21

    Starmie took this guy out :'[ Best guy on the team at the time, but I went to the gym early.
  • Afro Lv. 17

    I don't even remember how he died... I do know it was completely stupid though.
  • Hatman Lv. 18

    Man this guy was gonna be awesome... Diglett Cave was like the perfect training ground for this guy and cat could take out the big guys. The highest level Diglett I saw finally knew Dig which hit for critical and knocked him out.
  • Cris Lv. 22

    This guy was also gonna be awesome. A weak Rattata Lv. 17 was the first Pokemon in a trainer battle and I underestimated it. Big mistake. From now on I need to be much more careful. I hope these deaths all happening close together don't make me get a blackout ever.
I need help with names, who to level up, where to go, etc. Feel free to help me out!
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke

Yay a red nuzlocke. I don't know why you say charmanders the hard way. I never caught anything till dratini in my normal run and I did perfectly fine but there must be something I'm missing. Anyways your doing great. Keep on going! :)
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke

Yay, I inspired someone. d'awww.

You will want to try for a Mankey, like I told you before. Everything really struggles with Brock. I guess if you really have to though, Charmander's Embers can defeat Geodude and Onix; they don't have Rock moves.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2: Brock has no shirt...

Episode 2 is up! I beat Brock, but he was shirtless. I need help with names, who I should level up, where to go for Pokemon, and such.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2: Brock has no shirt...

You should evolve your pidgey. They're pretty good in red. You're still doing great. :)
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke

Bippa201 said:
Yay, I inspired someone. d'awww.

No, he just got his credits wrong. TDL was the first to do this, then me, then you XP Nobody ever pays attention to mine because I'm still grinding.

Good luck with Charmander as a starter. I always found him hard to play with even without the Nuzlocke
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2: Brock has no shirt...

I busted out laughing as soon as I read that you named your Rattata Sonicmoj! That guy was AWESOME!!! Anyways your Rnuzlocke looks great so far, I hope we get more updates soon.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

Put up Episode 2 1/2 because it is very, very short. I got a Afro and a catutie! Check it out. I think I'll send you a profile message if you are in my Nuzlocke from now on.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

Thanks for Including me in this. I hope the Magikarp evolves quickly and fires itz LAZOR becomes a good part of your team.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

Tyraniking said:
TDL was the first to do this, then me, then you XP
Actually, 6D and LORDY introduced it to PokeBeach through discussion on GDI Smeargle, which resulted in them creating threads, Dark Void and I joining in, and it gradually building up to spam up take over the forums.

Going decently, RW! Keep it up! ;)
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

Just pointing out Pokevortex, I started my Nuzlocke over a week before you. You were basically part of the huge rush of people doing one. I'd love to continue mine but my emulator is rediculously laggy.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

I know, and I don't care about the order, but I was just pointing out the initial Nuzlockers. :rolleyes:
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Day 2 1/2: Herp Derp (Fully included with Magikarpz!)

Well I had done a lot on my Rnuzlocke and then when I went on vacation I did a lot more. Sooooooooooo... these chapters will be messy and they have a bunch of deaths. I never really learned after my Pokemon kept dying. I lost two great Pokemon that haven't been on here and two that have. So over the next few hours to days I will update and tell you about how I kept failing. Here goes *sigh*...

EDIT: I've updated my team, I now just have to do the episodes. Not sure if those will be done today.
RE: Rock Recker's Red Rnuzlocke- Episode 4 1/3?: Why didn't I update this earlier?

I finally updated! =D Please read... DO IT!!!! READ IT NAO!!!!!
I updated my team and Episode 6ish should be coming out within a day! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeee read and comment.