rocket packs


what happened to rocket packs they already broke the tradition with moon hunting night dashing. do you think their going to make darks in the next block(team rocket pack) and if so what kinda stuff would be in them
no. they arent next at least. they've already made dp5 un- rocket in japan and u.s. dp5 will most likely be jap. entry packs, dp4 cutouts, and maybe a few jap. promos
Well, Team Rocket is kinda...reused. Every format surely has a Team Rocket set and I very much hope they do make one for DP. Maybe Team Rocket vs. Team Galaxy. Who knows? But the way things are going and the limited number of DP sets, I don't think they're going to make one.
But I also stated that the neo sets still had dark cards in them but mabey theyll make some kind of rocket thing in the next block (next season) if not I hope they at least make a dark pack. They were cool
It's been a while since they've had gym leader packs also. I'd like to see gym leaders and rocket/galactic in the next block.
The Neo series did not have a Rocket set, but they had a set with Dark and Light Pokémon. That would be Neo Destiny. It is something definitely worth revisiting with the third and fourth generation Pokémon.

I favor a Team Galactic set and a Sinnoh gym leader's set in the style of the Gym series.
Well if those rumored gold and silver remakes actually come out, there will be reason to have another Rocket set.

I for one would love to see a Dark Empoleon... also dark 3rd gen pokemon...
viewtifulme said:
Well if those rumored gold and silver remakes actually come out, there will be reason to have another Rocket set.

I for one would love to see a Dark Empoleon... also dark 3rd gen pokemon...

Actually, TR's role in those games wasn't nearly half as big as it was in RBY. So I highly doubt it warrants a TR set. Particulary given the fact that in the GS era we had no TR set either.