Wi-Fi Trades rocketgamcorner's MyPlayer Thread - Need Foreign (Non-Finnish) Ditto


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code: 5155-3053-0241
Time Zone:From Finland
Times Available:


Services Offered:

- Foreign Ditto (mine are from Finland)

Hi! I have been looking for a foreign ditto trough the PSS fora while now, but without a text chat option, it has been really hard :p. So i desided to ask you people to trade me a foreign ditto. I'm from Finland, so keep in mind that i can't take a finnish ditto :p I don't have much to offer, but i could trade my ditto for your ditto.
RE: Need foreign ditto

Hello rocketgamecorner,

I made some changes to your thread to give an easier overview. I also changed the title to match the requirements.
RE: rocketgamcorner's MyPlayer Thread - Need Foreign (Non-Finnish Ditto)

I can toss an American Ditto your way if you like?
Yeah, i would like it. Send me a private message when you can trade. We are on diffferent time zones so it might be a bit difficult though :/.