

Aspiring Trainer
Do you think with the new HG/SS releases, there shall be a return of the Rocket sets and the return of Dark Pokemon?
There's a possiblity, but I hope not. They already revived it once, there's no point in doing it again. Although, it would be interesting if they reintroduced them as SPs.
It would be interesting, NEW TEAM ROCKET RETURNS!!!!!!!(Again). think that it would be a lot cooler if they brought back light and dark from the Neo Era those sets rocked IMO
All new pokemon HS rise of team rocket

That would be amazing IMO but I think they're holding off cause they won't be sp
INFERNAPE112892 said:
All new pokemon HS rise of team rocket

That would be amazing IMO but I think they're holding off cause they won't be sp
Why not?
They are owned by Team Rocket so why not?
i used to like the original team rocket cards they were pretty good so i think that they should bring them back
I think it would cool if they bought those cards back. I think they should bring them back {d}
They should have have "Rocket's Pokemon", but please, do not bring the "Dark" in the name back. We just finally got done with Darkness Energy and its many rule changes.

Possibly same as before, lower HP and stronger attacks or Poke-Powers.
Wouldn't mind another Rocket set, I quite enjoyed the original Rocket release and Neo Destiny is one of my favorite sets.

Not to derail the thread, but while we're on the topic of bringing back old-esque sets/ concepts as unlikely as it seems, I wouldn't mind seeing a release of the Pokemon VS expansion in English. Not sure how they would match up to today's cards though. :/
oh god I hope so.

HS team rocket returns again!
HS team rocket: the next generation!
HS team rocket: senior citizens!
HS team rocket: the undead!

I love team rocket so much.
Did someone say Weezing Prime, Arbok Prime, Meowth SP, Wobbuffet Prime? What other pokemon did the team rocket team have in HG/SS? Zubats yeah, but we have crobat prime and houndoom prime...
Jahikoi said:
Did someone say Weezing Prime, Arbok Prime, Meowth SP, Wobbuffet Prime? What other pokemon did the team rocket team have in HG/SS? Zubats yeah, but we have crobat prime and houndoom prime...
Weezing R(Rocket) Prime
Attack: Mass Explosion;Weezing R Prime is now Knocked out and you opponents pokémon all recieve 90 damage.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Weezing R(Rocket) Prime
Attack: Mass Explosion;Weezing R Prime is now Knocked out and you opponents pokémon all recieve 90 damage.

Wobbuffet Prime - 100 HP

Pokemon Power - Destiny Bond: You may activate this pokemon power once during your turn. During your opponents next turn, if Wobbuffet is knocked out due to an attack from the defending pokemon, the attacking pokemon is knocked out as well. Either way, you cannot use this Pokemon Power again while Wobbuffet remains your active pokemon (Benching Wobbuffet ends this effect.)

PP: Counter: Deal damage equal to the number of damage counters on one of your pokemon to the defending pokemon. If Wynaut is under Wobbuffet, you do not need to pay the energy cost of this attack.

PPP: Discard one energy from Wobbuffet Prime: Flip a coin for every damage counter on your side of the field. For each heads, you may place one damage counter on a Pokemon of your choice (both yours or your opponents.) You may choose different targets for each heads. If Wynaut is under Wobbuffet, ignore the energy cost for this attack (You must still discard an energy.)

Try fitting that on one card...

Or, try this one:

Wobbuffet Prime - 90 HP

Poke-Power: Evolution - If Wynaut is under Wobbuffet, the defending pokemon cannot be moved to the bench either by the use of a trainer card or retreating. In addition, Wobbuffet Prime's health is now 140 (before additional effects).

Poke-Body: Shadow Tag - Whenever a Pokemon on your bench takes damage, you may put damage counters equal to the total damage dealt to your opponent's benched Pokemon.

#: Counter - For each damage dealt to Wobbuffet Prime last turn, place two damage counters on the defending pokemon.

That should fit... ... Hopefully?
@ Jahikoi - I think your first one was better. Very creative! I would actually use that. But that's a lot like "fainting spell" with Gengar.
Thanks, Wobbuffet is one of those pokemon whom you can get really creative; like Ditto, Smeargle etc.

The 'Fainting Spell' isn't really, when you activate it, if they kill you the next turn then they are knocked out as well the next turn - but then you cant use it again unless you swap out (I imagine a two energy retreat cost)

The reason for the attacks are to counter spread decks... The first one counters gengar spread better, but the second one counters Garchomp C better (Whenever it attacks you can put 8 damage counters back on it!)

The reason I made a second one, is I think the first one is too much text for one card to fit! Its a lot of writing...
A rocket set would be awesome, maybe that it focuses on a legendary Pokémon that the rocket's want.

How about;

Rocket's Houndoom Prime
Rocket's Honchkrow Prime
Rocket's Vileplume Prime
Rocket's Weezing Prime
Rocket's Raticate Prime
Rocket's Crobat Prime
Rocket's Arbok Prime
Rocket's Muk Prime

Ahhh, so many ideas.
I would love to see another Team Rocket set seeing as in the past expansions there have been sets which features the main bad guys of each generation/remakes (TATM, TR, TRR, PL) so i would expect something like that for the Legend era. Plus they all had great effects and powers at the expense of HP and attack power to some extent.