Rockville, MD Cities

Is everyone playing the same decks they did at Fairfax? (if you went to Fairfax)

I have to decide between:
DialgaChomp possibly
Playing the same deck.
I dunno about Luxray. You already run Reversal. It depends how much it affects your consistency.
As for me, I'm probably going to run exactly the same MagneGatr as @ Fairfax, maybe with a change or two. But we'll see.
Well... that happens. I would playtest it and see if it helps a lot. If it does, run it, if not, don't. Personally, I don't think you'll be in the situation where the flip on Reversal will decide the game too often (because it won't), so I wouldn't worry about that a whole lot. But as I said, playtest it.
I think luxray is a good idea because I lost a game on a reversal flip and i was pissed off because it was pendarvis
^Pandarvis' flip? Well, Luxray takes an extra turn to set up because you have to either switch and retreat back to Gyara or retreat to Luxray and keep it active. Take into account it's not immediate, and that it has to be active.
@Glaceon: For the Deck that you are playing, Gyarados is obviously the Metagame in the DC Metro area, with a side of SP, Vilepluff, and Vilegar. So Anything with blaziken would be terrible. Anything with Luxray would be fantastic. So IMO you should play Luxchomp with a Dialga tech if you seriously want to win.
And actually games are often decided by reversal flips. If they weren't, people wouldn't play it.
IMO gyarados with a Lux tech isnt that good. unless your area has trainer lock heavily played, its not worth it. And even then you are sacrificing cards that could otherwise could be used for setting up faster and it's very hard to get Lux out with trainer lock on. I often see the bright look coming because they don't want to waste a warp energy on the Gyara so they wait till it dies, and I can easily prepare for that by using seeker, or preparing a warp energy. It's just not worth it. Play luxchomp, it's better. And if you are dead set on gyarados play reversal. It's unpredictable, and easy.
And you have so many better cards than me. I'm struggling just to make 2 decks, and I share cards with my brother.
^How is anything with Blaziken terrible? It can Luring Flame Vileplume, and your opponent won't often have something to get it to bench. Next turn, KO it, the Trainer Lock's off.
Personally, I'd play DialgaChomp (sooo much Vile____) or stick with Gyara. But that's just me.
For the Deck that you are playing, Gyarados is obviously the Metagame in the DC Metro area, with a side of SP, Vilepluff, and Vilegar. So Anything with blaziken would be terrible.

The only chance blaziken even has a chance for the matchup is the vilepluff one, because of weakness of jumpluff. At the Fairfax Cities there were I think 5 gyarados being played (correct me if I was wrong, I wasnt in seniors) And there were only two vilepluffs. If I see a blaziken or a luxray, I always try to keep a warp energy in hand at all time. And trust me, a dragon rush hurts alot more than a luring flame, because you cant warp energy a Dragon Rush. I actually find Dialga much easier to handle than Garchomp C. This may sound funny, but all you have to do is use lookers, so they have no power spray and then level them down. It's not that hard to pull of considering, you would ideally be looking at their hand every turn to see if they had any power spray.
Plus, gyarados has weakness to Luxray. Dialga really only puts a hurting on Vilepluff.
Luxray still doesn't OHKO Gyara, though, which is why it's not GREAT against it. As for Dialga, if you even run 4 Looker's, then that's true for 4 turns at most. And you don't get any drawpower from Supporters. And DialgaChomp has a great matchup vs. Vile___, which helps.
Crobat G???? Cmon, man... Any Decent LuxChomp or BLG player would own gyarados. And you don't need to use lookers 4 times, you only need to use it once before you use level down to get rid of their power spray. Trust me, I know. And it's not actually that good of a matchup. I beat it at Cities and almost at leauge. If you get a collectors turn one, then the dialgachomp player loses.
I build a Dialgachomp deck that I may play. It's awesome until DGX w/ e-belt and 3 Sp. Metal energys is KO'd.
@Poliwrath, Luxray+Crobat G does 100 damage. Gyara has 130. Unless you plan on dropping 4 Crobat Gs on 1 turn, you won't OHKO that Gyara.
I haven't been keeping up with what's going on here, but Lucario GL anyone? Flash Impact and Bite or Trash Bolt and Bite will KO Gyarados.
Yeah thats exactly what I meant. Lucario GL and then a Trash Bolt is a 1HKO or a Flash Impact + Crobat G is also a 1HKO.
So... Who's coming? I'm playing Gyarados but I'd like it if some people will test against my Dialgachomp. Like usual, I can loan cards.