Room of Illusions(Futre VGC team)

Red Striker

VGC Trainer
After watching battle videos from Worlds,I came accross one from 2010 finals.The person who won used a Trick Room team,so I figured,why not make my own?


Cresselia@Light Clay
EVs:252 HP,252 Defense,4 Sp.Attack
Trick Room
Light Screen
Grass Knot

Cresselia acts as my lead Trick Room-er for this team.Since the lead pokemon being sent out with it has a low Sp.Defense,Light Screen will be able to let it take a few hits from Special Attacks.I've noticed that Taunt is becoming used more often,so Psychic and Grass Knot prevent being Taunt-locked.In an envorment where you can use whatever Ubers you want(Except for Events like Celebi and Victini etc.),Grass Knot will be handy to have around,since Groudon is likely to be common on the battle field.Why is it handy?Simple:it only weighs 2092.5 pounds,and as we all know,Grass Knot's Power is factored by how heavy the target is.Finally,Psychic is on the set as a STAB move(this is subject to change to Psyshock).


Conkeldurr@Flame Orb
EVs:252 HP,252 Attack,4 Sp.Defense
Mach Punch
Drain Punch
Rock Slide

Conkeldurr will act as Cresselia assistant.If there's anything that can abuse Trick Room and Guts well at the same time,Conkeldurr is the one.While Cresselia sets up with Trick Room,Conkeldurr will be Protecting itself.By turn two,Conkeldurr should be good to go with a boosed attack from Guts and a "high speed" from Trick Room.If Trick Room wares off,but one of my opponent's pokemon is down to a sliver of health,Mach Punch will solve that by turning the sliver of health into "so-and-so pokemon fainted".Since Conkeldurr's HP will be saped every turn due to being Burned,Drain Punch will allow it to survive longer,and with it's Attack being raised by 50%,Burn will hardly affect it.I knew Conkeldurr would accomplish it's role better with a move that can hit boath of the opponent's pokemon,so out of all of my options,Rock Slide would be best.


Dialga@Expert Belt
EVs:252 HP,252 Sp.Attack,4 Defense
Dragon Pulse
Trick Room
Earth Power

Dialga will act as my[enter every weather type here]and Dragon-type counter.I've noticed that the use of Dragon-types is becoming popular lately,so to handle that,Dragon Pulse will come in with the overall power of 324.A common weakness in Rain teams is Electric,so why not irritate my opponent a little bit with Thunder.It may not OHKO/2HKO Kyogres or Lugias,but with the help of other team members,I won't have to worry much.A common type in Sun teams is the Fire-type,which can easily be taken down with Earth Power.I don't remember if we could ever use Heatran in tournaments,but atleast now I won't have to worry much about it.Finally,Sand won't be a big problem,since most things on a team like that are weak to Earth Power.T-tar?Consider it gone,since most people usually give it something other than the Shucha Berry.Finally,Dialga will act as my secondary Trick Room-er.


Giratina@Griseous Orb
EVs:128 Attack,124 Sp.Attack,128 Defense,124 Sp.Defense,
Shadow Sneak
Aura Sphere
Dragon Claw

Giratina in this case will be the team's[enter commonly used Dragon-types here]counter via Dragon Claw.I can cripple physical sweepers like Rayquaza and Scizor with Will-o-Wisp and take out T-tars with Aura Sphere.Priority seems to be the big game-winner these days,so to contribute to that,Shadow Sneak will KO anything already crippled and near death,even if Trick Room goes out with the power of 72 due to STAB and Griseous Orb.

The following pokemon will be my final two slot fillers.


Amoonguss@Black Sludge
Ability:Effect Spore
EVs:252 Sp.Defense,252 HP,4 Sp.Attack
Giga Drain
Rage Powder

Amoongus is a staller for this team.Protect is used to scout out what my opponent has(if needs it to be)and also to protect itself while whatever pokemon sent out takes Amoonguss' potential threats down.The perpose of Rage Powder is to distract the opponent's pokemon while Cresselia sets up Trick Room(if I send out Amoonguss with her).The main use of Amoonguss in this case is to put the opponent's potential threats to sleep while they get picked off by another one of my pokemon.


Zoroark@Focus Sash
EVs:252 Sp.Attack,252 Speed,4 Defense
Night Daze
Nasty Plot

Zoroark isn't part of the team.Since a common trick is to disguise Zoroark as a Fighting-type,I might be able to trick my opponents into thinking I'm doing that due to the team preview before battle,and the fact that I have a Fighting-type in my team.Will I?Of course not.The set listed above for it is the one I use for casual battles at league etc.
It's pretty darn hard to make a team without TPCI releasing any information on the rules for next year's meta. Even so a lot of people are presuming it's going to be the Nintendo wifi doubles rules, which would mean uber Pokemon would be banned (Dialga) Anyways its recommended to use minimum speeds for a tr team so you want to opt out for a sassy Cress than your calm one, also your team lacks protect on a few of your guys, like Amoongus is better off with protect as substitute would generally eat away at your health and with two Pokemon potentially attacking may cause it to get KOed. Also try rage powder over sludge bomb as it makes it easier to set up. Conkeldurr would benefit more from mach punch than facade thanks to it's priority, and Dusknoir isn't gonna be checking too many dragons as not running a large amount of def/ sp.def evs would make him vulnerable to dark pulses and crunches respectfully (plus even with max attack some of these dragons run yache or have intimidate in mence's case to weaken the blow.) TR has proven to be a solid team in the VGC meta, but your team is gonna need some work if you wanna make it through to the finalist lounge for the very least. Good luck in your team building because that's just about all we can do until rules are officially announced.
-Changed Amoonguss' Subsitute to Protect and Sludge Bomb to Rage Powder.
-Changed Dusknoir's EV spread from 252 HP to 128 Defense and 124 Sp.Defense.
-Changed Cresselia's Nature from Calm to Sassy.
-Chnged Conkeldurr's Facade to Mach Punch.

You CAN use Ubers in doubles,but it doesn't even things out to Lv.50.If I'm to remember correctly,VGC 2010(HGSS)used Lv.100s(hence why I never did well).If these rules don't go into effect for another year,it atleast gives me some time to gather and train these pokemon.This time,I'm going to be prepared.
If this is ubers metagame, then the sheer power of some of your Pokemon may not be enough to compare. The first thing I'd do is replace Dusknoir with Giratina. It may have more weaknesses, but Giratina's base stats are so much higher that it is definately worth it. If you want it to be more offensive, you can use origin form, for a more defensive variant, I'd use alternate form. It can use STAB Dragon moves to kill enemy dragons, Aura Sphere to kill steels, Shadow Sneak for priority, and Will-o'-Wisp to cripple physical attackers. It's true that it can't learn Trick Room, but you could put that on Dialga over Flash Cannon since Flash Cannon can't kill much that Earth Power can't. There are some other changes that might be good to get your team ready for an ubers metagame, but I suggest you try those changes first.
-Chnaged Dialga's Flash Cannon to Trick Room.
-Dusknoir was changed to Giratina-O.

Original Dusknoir set:

EVs:252 Attack,128 Defense,124 Sp.Defense,6 HP
Trick Room
Shadow Punch
Ice Punch
Fire Punch

Dusknoir plays two roles.Role number one is to be my[enter commonly used Dragon/Flying and Ground/Flying pokemon here]counter via Ice Punch.Role number two is to be my secondary Trick Room-er,but with a side of bulky offense.It gains STAB with Shadow Punch(not to mention the fact that it always hits),and has better type coverage(and takes advantage of the Sun)with Fire Punch.With the way I have Dusknoir set up(EVs,hold item etc),Dusknoir will act as a wall for my opponent,while picking off any of my opponent's pokemon.How?Add the fact that it has high Defenses along with a high Defenses due to the EVs,plus the fact it will restore it's health with the Leftovers and you get a wall.
Red Striker said:
-Changed Amoonguss' Subsitute to Protect and Sludge Bomb to Rage Powder.
-Changed Dusknoir's EV spread from 252 HP to 128 Defense and 124 Sp.Defense.
-Changed Cresselia's Nature from Calm to Sassy.
-Chnged Conkeldurr's Facade to Mach Punch.

You CAN use Ubers in doubles,but it doesn't even things out to Lv.50.If I'm to remember correctly,VGC 2010(HGSS)used Lv.100s(hence why I never did well).If these rules don't go into effect for another year,it atleast gives me some time to gather and train these pokemon.This time,I'm going to be prepared.

VGC '10 was Bring 6 Pick 4 with limited Uber Pokemon (2 allowed per battle) All Pokemon over level 50 were auto-leveled down to 50 and those under 50 remained the same level. It was not level one hundred. Also as stated in my previous post, we don't know the ruleset for next year's season as of yet, the VGC community is just presuming it will be something like the 08-09 seasons with Unova Pokemon, which would mean NO UBERS (well not those deemed by Nintendo as ubers; i.e. box cover legendaries and event Pokemon) So yes you can use ubers in doubles, but in most cases you can't in the VGCs (2010 was the sole exception other than JAA in 06)

For the Pokemon themselves,dusknoir would have still needed the hp evs that you used to have on him to survive hits, ice punch is gonna be a 2hko on most 4x weak dragons from him with his pitiful attack so you might as well had used those same evs in hp to increase his longevity if you used him. I can't really comment on the ubers as i've yet to see what Reshiram and Zekrom can do in battle so it would be hard to comment on your spreads. Though the Giratina-o looks like his hp evs are way too spread out, as if you just put them there without seeing if they make a difference in netting KOs or surviving hits from common pokemon.
Red Striker said:
After watching battle videos from Worlds,I came accross one from 2010 finals.The person who one used a Trick Room team,so I figured,why not make my own?


Cresselia@Light Clay
EVs:252 HP,252 Defense,6 Sp.Attack
Trick Room
Light Screen
Grass Knot

Cresselia acts as my lead Trick Room-er for this team.Since the lead pokemon being sent out with it has a low Sp.Defense,Light Screen will be able to let it take a few hits from Special Attacks.I've noticed that Taunt is becoming used more often,so Psychic and Grass Knot prevent being Taunt-locked.In an envorment where you can use whatever Ubers you want(Except for Events like Celebi and Victini etc.),Grass Knot will be handy to have around,since Groudon is likely to be common on the battle field.Why is it handy?Simple:it only weighs 2092.5 pounds,and as we all know,Grass Knot's Power is factored by how heavy the target is.Finally,Psychic is on the set as a STAB move(this is subject to change to Psyshock).


Conkeldurr@Flame Orb
EVs:252 HP,252 Attack,6 Sp.Defense
Mach Punch
Drain Punch
Rock Slide

Conkeldurr will act as Cresselia assistant.If there's anything that can abuse Trick Room and Guts well at the same time,Conkeldurr is the one.While Cresselia sets up with Trick Room,Conkeldurr will be Protecting itself.By turn two,Conkeldurr should be good to go with a boosed attack from Guts and a "high speed" from Trick Room.If Trick Room wares off,but one of my opponent's pokemon is down to a sliver of health,Mach Punch will solve that by turning the sliver of health into "so-and-so pokemon fainted".Since Conkeldurr's HP will be saped every turn due to being Burned,Drain Punch will allow it to survive longer,and with it's Attack being raised by 50%,Burn will hardly affect it.I knew Conkeldurr would accomplish it's role better with a move that can hit boath of the opponent's pokemon,so out of all of my options,Rock Slide would be best.


Dialga@Expert Belt
EVs:252 HP,252 Sp.Attack,6 Defense
Dragon Pulse
Trick Room
Earth Power

Dialga will act as my[enter every weather type here]and Dragon-type counter.I've noticed that the use of Dragon-types is becoming popular lately,so to handle that,Dragon Pulse will come in with the overall power of 324.A common weakness in Rain teams is Electric,so why not irritate my opponent a little bit with Thunder.It may not OHKO/2HKO Kyogres or Lugias,but with the help of other team members,I won't have to worry much.A common type in Sun teams is the Fire-type,which can easily be taken down with Earth Power.I don't remember if we could ever use Heatran in tournaments,but atleast now I won't have to worry much about it.Finally,Sand won't be a big problem,since most things on a team like that are weak to Earth Power.T-tar?Consider it gone,since most people usually give it something other than the Babiri Berry.Finally,Dialga will act as my secondary Trick Room-er.


Giratina@Griseous Orb
EVs:128 Attack,124 Sp.Attack,128 Defense,124 Sp.Defense,
Shadow Sneak
Aura Sphere
Dragon Claw

Giratina in this case will be the team's[enter commonly used Dragon-types here]counter via Dragon Claw.I can cripple physical sweepers like Rayquaza and Scizor with Will-o-Wisp and take out T-tars with Aura Sphere.Priority seems to be the big game-winner these days,so to contribute to that,Shadow Sneak will KO anything already crippled and near death,even if Trick Room goes out with the power of 72 due to STAB and Griseous Orb.

The following pokemon will be my final two slot fillers.


Amoonguss@Big Root
Avility:Effect Spore
EVs:252 Sp.Attack,252 HP,6 Sp.Defense
Giga Drain
Rage Powder

Amoongus is a staller for this team.Protect is used to scout out what my opponent has(if needs it to be)and also to protect itself while whatever pokemon sent out takes Amoonguss' potential threats down.The perpose of Rage Powder is to distract the opponent's pokemon while Cresselia sets up Trick Room(if I send out Amoonguss with her).The main use of Amoonguss in this case is to put the opponent's potential threats to sleep while they get picked off by another one of my pokemon.


Zoroark@Focus Sash
EVs:252 Sp.Attack,252 Speed,6 Defense
Night Daze
Nasty Plot

Zoroark isn't part of the team.Since a common trick is to disguise Zoroark as a Fighting-type,I might be able to trick my opponents into thinking I'm doing that due to the team preview before battle,and the fact that I have a Fighting-type in my team.Will I?Of course not.The set listed above for it is the one I use for casual battles at league etc.

Several impossible EV sets here.
I was thinking of the magical number 4 for the final EV slot :p

And why are you using max Sp. Atk EVs on Amoonguss?
If I don't max the Sp.Attack,Giga Drain won't be worth it,since it won't be able to heal that much,even with the Big Root.
But you don't need Giga Drain to do all that much, you should maximize his HP and Special Defense to allow him to take hits and heal with Giga Drain and other stalling moves. He should hold Black Sludge to even further his HP healing abilities.