Rotation: Love It or Hate It?

Will the next format be better or worse than before the rotation?

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No matter what deck you play remember this: Its not the cards that make up the deck but the player behind it. A deck would not be deck without it's player and it's player has to have enough skill to be able to play it. Think of it this way, if you hand a baby a fully built ZekEels deck, does it matter? So in the course of copying a deck off of the internet the copier must think to his/her self: "What is the main strategy behind this deck?' and "How can I make it my own. In response to your bash against the younger player base, isn't that why we have juniors? Pokemon is divided to suit the players not the cards and how they can put those cards into effect. And, even if decks rise up over the rouges, there will always be those non-mainstream decks that catch the top tier decks by surprise.

The next format will be amazing. Junk arm is getting rotated which is what made this format so luck based. Just look at all the decks preforming at Japan's world qualifiers.
I wake up and there's all this rebuttal o_O

Dark Void, I mistyped are t when I was supposed to type aren't. Where in my post did I say having staples were bad? I just acknowledged the fact deck building requires little to no skill at all, if anything, experience.

Im open to criticism and arguments, sure, attack my statement the new format will be a lot faster, but provide points, don't answer it with a question.

I don't know what lists you're play testing with, because T3 I'd already taken 2 Garchomp out of their 3 attackers, and they've been focusing on Gabite so much they only have 0-1 Altaria. In my play testing, Garchomp becomes so much faster and is then able to beat RayRay when you take out the Gabites. A list without energy acceleration/recovery is absolute trash, even if you run energy retrieval or the main attacker needs a single energy to attack. Adding in Terrakion EX and even some other fighting Pokemon just evens out the prize trade, and lists without them will struggle to find many attackers because T3 I've taken out two Garchomps.

Do you like Raikou EX? He evens out the prize trade. He also gets rid of your Altaria.
Why would you run energy acceleration if all your attacks require one energy to use? Lol.

And deckbuilding requires quite a bit of skill. Once you know the basic rules, it becomes somewhat second-nature, but learning those rules takes awhile and they vary slightly from deck to deck. Incorporate the idea of metagame into that, and it actually becomes very complicated as the format is constantly shifting.
When I look at a poll all I can do is tell you how high it is... Stupid light poles...

But ayways, I look forward to the next format. I intend to take a top tier deck and change it halfway, like I do most of the time.
I'm really looking forward to a slower format. It gives the Evolved Pokemon a chance, and will, for me, at least make the game more enjoyable because games will last longer. Unfortunately, during tournament play, there is in the inevitable time crunch that can get nasty.
I'm not gonna lie, I hate netdecking. And I'm not gonna lie, my first tournament deck (Vanilluxe/Vilplume/Victini) used a skeleton list to set me up, and I filled it out from there. Netdecking is a simple fact of any game. The problem with netdecking is when a player doesn't take the time to learn WHY the deck they are using works.

And as far as rogue decks go, how well they do should have nothing to do with it. Said VVV list I played at a Cities this past winter blew the doors down on some "mainstream" decks. Rogues can be good because they are just that: rogues. People build them to be fun, to be creative, to try to metagame, and it can work. Sure, walking in running a deck that uses 4 different stage 2s might not function well, and will probably get destroyed, but I have to respect the player that tries.

As to the format shifting, I personally think that trying to calculate it out ahead of time is a fools argument. Regardless of what the meta is overseas, our meta will have its own spin on things. As such, our format could be wildly different. Or, of course, it could be the exact same. But the point of it is that we don't know until we get there. Remember, the cat is both alive and dead until we look.