Round 2 Pairings

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TCG Expert / VG Newbie
{C}{G}{W}{L}{F}{R}{P}{M}{D} Round 2 Pairings are up!! {D}{M}{P}{R}{F}{L}{W}{G}{C}

Ox_Trainer vs BrandonSmith
betz1998 vs #1Weavile
MasterParis vs Armaldo1
ESP vs GengarLVX11

Report to me by August 15 or else I'll toss the lucky coin.
BrandonSmith, what is your hamachi ID? what network(s) are you on?
If you'd like, you can join the network I use for tournament battles:

User ID - Ox_Trainer
Password - Ox_Trainer
umm paris and i never could connect. i thought he told you that..
EDIT: and you never did send me any pms.
So I'm guessing the games are BO3 (Best Of 3)?

I won the first match against Armaldo1, just waiting for the 2nd at the moment.

EDIT: I just played Armaldo for the second match, and due to other obligations of his. I was given the win.
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