RedShark is the default online simulator!!! The only way you AND your opponet can use Apprentice or some other form (Real Life, Webcam, Skype) is if you both can agree on it.
1) Deadlines are Deadlines
2) There will be no replacements
3) There will be swiss rounds and a top cut
4) Report Cheating
5) Same deck ALL tournament.
6) Format is DP on so people can still test for worlds.
After each match, please report the wins/loss and the decks played on this thread or PM to ME.
Swiss/Top Cut rules:
32 Players = 5 rounds w/ a Top 8
There will be NO time limit because it is VERY easy to stall.
If your opponet "loses connection" you get the win.
Official Tourney Network
Name: Redshark Tournament 18
Pass: pokemon
Alternate Network
Name: Redshark Tournament 7
Pass: pokemon
They aren't major, but its better than nothing, right?
1st Place: 1 Bottom Entei Suicune
2nd Place: 1 Megainium Prime
3rd: Place: 4 Random rares from HSU.
This will be ran extremely similar to the Pre-States tourney by Smacktack15 because I thought that was a very smooth tourney and was fun.
In order to sign up post the following info.
Hamachi Screen Name:
Sign-Up's begin NOW
1)Colts8729-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Colts8729)
2)C-U elite-- Dialga G/Garchomp C (C-U elite)
3)Mama_Luigi-- Gengar SF/Garchomp C (Mama_Luigi)
4)Kingringer 13--Luxray GL/Garchomp C (Hurricane)
5)Ox_Trainer-- Quagsire switch (ox_trainer)
6) Meesie6666666-- Luxray GL/Garchomp C/Entei-Raikou (KIRA)
7) PrinngerXo2-- Blastoise (PrinngerXo2)
8) Lunar Wing-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Lunar Wing)
9) iamapwnda-- Blaziken FB Lock (the panda factor)
10) #1weavile-- Sablelock (#1weavile)
11) loopholes-- Gyarados (loopholes)
12) gwlieksmudkipz-- Palkia Lock (gwlieksmudkipz)
13) chrisrocks--HoPe (Xshinobi)
14) pokemon99-- Undecided (pokemon99)
15) forte-- Cursegar (forte)
16) Mune-- Donphan (Matamune TCG)
17) Javier8100-- Jumpluff/Luxray (Javier8100)
18) AmishEskimoNinja-- Magnezone (AmishEskimoNinja)
19) Dark Sonic J-- Leafeon/Shaymin (Dark sonic J)
20) Bob Franklin-- Luxray GL/Garchomp C (mydadcanread)
21) Your P1MP-- Giratina (your pimp)
22) Cyndaquil Master-- Luxray/Shuppet (CyndaqiulMaster)
23) Chaoguy--Charizard (Chaoguy)
24) GHJamesGH--Luxray GL/Garchomp C (Lapras Lover)
25) typhus-- Flytrap (MCD)
26) Leaf-- Blaziken FB/Gengar SF (Burmy)
27) Poke-Kid Brandon-- Arceus (Pokekid Brandon)
28) Muffins-- MS Paint--WTH??!?!? (Muffins)
29) Lucario123-- Sablelock (Lucario123)
30) Rogue Archetype-- Failed Nats Deck (Rogue Archetype)
31) nnaann-- Gyarados (nnaann)
32) paris1010-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Master: Paris)
Round 3 Pairings
Your round is due NEXT Wensday at 12:00 AM CST
If you and you opponet don't manage to play. The person who put the most effort into getting the game completed gets the win. I can hear from you via PM or on this thread! If I don't hear from either player, you both get a half win.
BO3 Matches report back on this thread with results
Table #1: Winner=Colts8729 3/0 Loser=Javier8100 2/1
Table #2:#1Weavile 2/0 vs. Pokekid Brandon 2/0
Table #3: Meesie 6x6 2/0 vs. Your P1MP 2/0
Table #4: Hatter 2/0 vs. Lunar Wing 2/0
Table #5: Winner=Kingringer 2.5/.5 Drop=Mama Luigi
Table #6: Burmy 1.5/1.5 vs. Typhus 1.5/.5
Table #7: Bob Franklin 1/1 vs. Pringinger 1/1
Table #8:iamapwnda 1/1 vs. Oxd_Trainer 1/1
Table #9: Mune 1/1 vs. Cyndaquil Master 0/2
Table #10: nnaann 1/1 vs. Rogue Archetype 1/1
Table #11: Chaoguy 1.5/.5 vs. Forte .5/1.5
Table #12: pokemon99 .5/1.5 vs. Dark Sonic J .5/.15
Table #13: Amish Eskimo Ninja 1/1 vs. GHJamesGH 1/1
Finally, Good luck and have fun.
1) Deadlines are Deadlines
2) There will be no replacements
3) There will be swiss rounds and a top cut
4) Report Cheating
5) Same deck ALL tournament.
6) Format is DP on so people can still test for worlds.
After each match, please report the wins/loss and the decks played on this thread or PM to ME.
Swiss/Top Cut rules:
32 Players = 5 rounds w/ a Top 8
There will be NO time limit because it is VERY easy to stall.
If your opponet "loses connection" you get the win.
Official Tourney Network
Name: Redshark Tournament 18
Pass: pokemon
Alternate Network
Name: Redshark Tournament 7
Pass: pokemon
They aren't major, but its better than nothing, right?
1st Place: 1 Bottom Entei Suicune
2nd Place: 1 Megainium Prime
3rd: Place: 4 Random rares from HSU.
This will be ran extremely similar to the Pre-States tourney by Smacktack15 because I thought that was a very smooth tourney and was fun.
In order to sign up post the following info.
Hamachi Screen Name:
Sign-Up's begin NOW
1)Colts8729-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Colts8729)
2)C-U elite-- Dialga G/Garchomp C (C-U elite)
3)Mama_Luigi-- Gengar SF/Garchomp C (Mama_Luigi)
4)Kingringer 13--Luxray GL/Garchomp C (Hurricane)
5)Ox_Trainer-- Quagsire switch (ox_trainer)
6) Meesie6666666-- Luxray GL/Garchomp C/Entei-Raikou (KIRA)
7) PrinngerXo2-- Blastoise (PrinngerXo2)
8) Lunar Wing-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Lunar Wing)
9) iamapwnda-- Blaziken FB Lock (the panda factor)
10) #1weavile-- Sablelock (#1weavile)
11) loopholes-- Gyarados (loopholes)
12) gwlieksmudkipz-- Palkia Lock (gwlieksmudkipz)
13) chrisrocks--HoPe (Xshinobi)
14) pokemon99-- Undecided (pokemon99)
15) forte-- Cursegar (forte)
16) Mune-- Donphan (Matamune TCG)
17) Javier8100-- Jumpluff/Luxray (Javier8100)
18) AmishEskimoNinja-- Magnezone (AmishEskimoNinja)
19) Dark Sonic J-- Leafeon/Shaymin (Dark sonic J)
20) Bob Franklin-- Luxray GL/Garchomp C (mydadcanread)
21) Your P1MP-- Giratina (your pimp)
22) Cyndaquil Master-- Luxray/Shuppet (CyndaqiulMaster)
23) Chaoguy--Charizard (Chaoguy)
24) GHJamesGH--Luxray GL/Garchomp C (Lapras Lover)
25) typhus-- Flytrap (MCD)
26) Leaf-- Blaziken FB/Gengar SF (Burmy)
27) Poke-Kid Brandon-- Arceus (Pokekid Brandon)
28) Muffins-- MS Paint--WTH??!?!? (Muffins)
29) Lucario123-- Sablelock (Lucario123)
30) Rogue Archetype-- Failed Nats Deck (Rogue Archetype)
31) nnaann-- Gyarados (nnaann)
32) paris1010-- Gardevoir/Gallade (Master: Paris)
Round 3 Pairings
Your round is due NEXT Wensday at 12:00 AM CST
If you and you opponet don't manage to play. The person who put the most effort into getting the game completed gets the win. I can hear from you via PM or on this thread! If I don't hear from either player, you both get a half win.
BO3 Matches report back on this thread with results
Table #1: Winner=Colts8729 3/0 Loser=Javier8100 2/1
Table #2:#1Weavile 2/0 vs. Pokekid Brandon 2/0
Table #3: Meesie 6x6 2/0 vs. Your P1MP 2/0
Table #4: Hatter 2/0 vs. Lunar Wing 2/0
Table #5: Winner=Kingringer 2.5/.5 Drop=Mama Luigi
Table #6: Burmy 1.5/1.5 vs. Typhus 1.5/.5
Table #7: Bob Franklin 1/1 vs. Pringinger 1/1
Table #8:iamapwnda 1/1 vs. Oxd_Trainer 1/1
Table #9: Mune 1/1 vs. Cyndaquil Master 0/2
Table #10: nnaann 1/1 vs. Rogue Archetype 1/1
Table #11: Chaoguy 1.5/.5 vs. Forte .5/1.5
Table #12: pokemon99 .5/1.5 vs. Dark Sonic J .5/.15
Table #13: Amish Eskimo Ninja 1/1 vs. GHJamesGH 1/1
Finally, Good luck and have fun.