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Expanded Round Deck (Seismitoad / Whismur)


Poet lost in static.
Pokemon (14)
  • 4 Seismitoad (LT 42/113)
  • 2 Palpitoad (LT 41/113)
  • 4 Tympole (BP 33/122)
  • 4 Whismur (FC 80/124)
Items/Supporters/Stadiums (38)
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Trainer's Mail
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 1 Switch
  • 1 Computer Search
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 3 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 N
  • 2 Colress
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 2 Skyfield
  • 1 Virbank City Gym
Energy (8)
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 4 Water Energy
Round is pretty simple, you put a lot of Pokemon in play with round attack then deal massive damage. Its Similar to how night march works except instead of discarding Pokemon you line your bench with them.
Builder Comments
With Tympole in Breakpoint and Whismur in fates collide both having the round attack I have gotten away without running any Pokemon-EX in the deck at all, I am however open to ideas and ways to improve this deck, I have had a lot of trouble fitting things in, it has been rather difficult to build this.
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With no EXs needed and the amount of Round Pokemon you need benched a copy or two of Bridgett would be marvelous additions to get the damage going. Or to flood late game either way with the new Round Basics she is a very good supporter for the deck. With the majority of the Round damage users being Water you could also use Dive Balls to conserve your hand more since the only targets you don't have are the Whismurs.

I should really get my old Round deck going again
Thank you for the advice, I know how to work in the Bridgette, I'm still on the fence on whether level ball is a better option than dive, cause the deck works with either one.
Would it be smart to try and fit in a Bench Barrier Mr. Mime? Your Round Pokémon are fairly frail, you don't want someone picking off Whismurs from your bench too easily with Landorus EX for example.

I understand Mime can't stop Trevenant BREAK or Bats unfortunately but hey it might still be a worthwhile inclusion if you are facing bench snipe decks.
What decks snipe the bench besides bats and Trevenant? With a bench of 6-8 Pokemon, no Trevenant player is going to bother using Tree Slam when he can wipe your board in three turns.
Landorus EX comes to mind as one of the more annoying Bench Snipers which will most likely have Bat Support anyways. Hex Maniac might help against Bat attacks and honestly she'll never really hinder you with the lack of abilities in the deck. For Round before Sky Field I did use the Mountain Ring but for the damage you really only want Sky Field now.

I think unless you want to run Archie Dive Ball is overall better as Brigette can still get the Whismers out Dive ball can get you the Toads for evolving.
It's also your only option in PTCGO's Legacy format.