I started playing when my kids did 8 years ago.
The money for Pokémon went to them and I played with whatever cards were left.
That's why I started judging, more fun for me and extra cards for the kids.
A few years ago they stopped the nationals, regionals and city's and all the big tournaments were taken out of the Netherlands due to regulation issues.
That last year my youngest became first in the Dutch nationals and that was the first and last time we went to worlds in San Francisco.
That's when we couldn't afford to play anymore.
Travelling across Europe to get points isn't something everyone can afford.
The idea of never ever seeing Worlds again was one of the reasons for us and our kids to quit.
But you can take Pokémon out of the Netherlands, but you can't get it out of our family.
So recently we started again with pre-releases and it was nice to see our Pokémon family again.
That's why we're looking for cheap decks now to play the little tournaments for fun and maybe start a league of our own again.
If we find a store who's willing to support that.