It's great in theory, and I will probably make a Wigglytoad list myself sometime this season, but I'm worried that in practice it won't turn out to work the greatest. You have to have a maxed bench of Round-ers to do efficient damage (120/180 Wiggly/Toad) and everything is fairly low hp. On top of that, you have to have at least a stage one on everything for it to count so there is little chance of you getting that damage going on T2 (6 evolutions is just too much). Also, you will, very likely, be getting KO'd every turn (or at least 2/3) in most games due to your overall low hp. Worst of all, though, is that since you have to have a full bench to do damage, there is no room for techs in it. You have 1 option throughout the game, and if you try to run anything else it will have to be ready to go in the active on the turn you drop it, and will have to get brought up back to your hand otherwise it's going to cripple you. Also, you only have 4 DCEs, so if one is prized or you can't draw into them on time, you won't have any way of powering up an attacker without energy acceleration.
I like the idea of the deck and think it's really creative, but there are just too many holes in it for me right now.