If shiny Litten has green stripes rather than red, I will do everything I can to get one just so I can name it Emeraude.
I think they are just showing the starting town. No need for grass before you have a Pokemon.There's no large patches of grass in the trailer. Are we going to encounter wild Pokemon in another way or they just opted to show roads without grass?
Well, the Strange Souvenir does not look like anyone of the legendaries revealed so far, so maybe it represents the third legendary of the trioKinda knew it would Hawaii related, that strange souvenir (Looked like a tiki) from Pokemon X.
I'm so gonna get Moon and raise that Owl *w*
Yeah, this freaking delay is very bothersome...That's just great, Europe has to wait for the games... AGAIN. Granted it isn't a long a wait as ORAS, but we still have to wait. Looks like avoiding spoilers is a go again.
I really doubt they would make a fire cat Fire/Fighting. Popplio definitely looks to be Ice/Water, but than again if they go that route Popplio would be nothing but a re-skinned Seal.If Rowlet is going to be a Grass/Flying pokemon final evo, and Popplio takes the natural progression to Water/Ice, then that means to have a complete cycle for the secondary typings Litten would have to be Fire/Fighting :X