Well, I'm eating my words right now. This trailer is so pleasing. It feels like a NEW Pokemon game. It looks beautiful. I'm actually excited.
Anyways, I'm going to just ramble on about my thoughts here.
-I expected I was going to get Moon version and I am. Lunaala is amazing. I like Solgaleo as well(Not to mention the ENTIRE UNIVERSE in it's face), but Lunaala just has a more creative design. As or types, Solgaleo should be Fire/Something. Maybe even Psychic? Lunaala seems to be Psychic/Dark/Ghost/Fairy along with Flying. Maybe even Ice or Water?
-I love all the starters. Even Popplio. I want to use all of them. To know what I will be picking, I'm going to wait for the final evolutions to be revealed. I'm leaning on Litten so far, though. It's design really appeals to me. Rowlet was a pleasant surprise to see. It completes the starter bird trio. Which are all dual types. Coincidence? I think not. Birds are just that cool. Popplio looks like Sealeo and Mr Mime had a baby. It's literally Mime Jr with a seal put on it. And, I'm okay with that. Watch Popplio have the coolest looking final evo. Just watch.
-I like the region so far. It looks really interesting, I like the city, and did anyone else notice the way the camera was pointed, and the way it doesn't look tile-based? For once I'm okay with it. Any new ideas are fine with me, even if I'm a bit biased towards Generation 4 and 5.
-Notice how the people all look like they aren't sized-down sprites. I really like this touch. Gen 6 should have done this. The scrunched up people are fine for the older games since it's more reminiscent of older RPGs from the time, in aesthetics, but now that they transitioned to 3D, the scrunched people looked a bit awkward. This new style looks perfect.
-I like our new Professor(s). Kukui seems really chill. And he is now keeping up the trend of having attractive male professors.
And yes, there's already fanart.
The old guy(Cedric Juniper 2.0) looks like Birch and Wattson combined. He looks chill too. I like this.
-I like that there's more hair/skin tones you can pick. Good job with the diversity Pokemon. Even better than X and Y(But we can all agree everything is better than X and Y.

I guess that also means character customization? I just hope I don't have to pay 200,000 Poke-Yen..? to buy a coat that looks cute on my character.
Overall, this looks amazing. I think they can pull it off. All we have to do is wait.
Also, please more than 100 new Pokemon. I don't care how many it gets to, The world has so many animal species, why not Pokemon? Plus, I actually like completing the Pokedex. It makes the experience feel more...fulfilling. I remember completing the gen 6 Pokedex last year(before ORAS corrupted on me...), and it was one of the most memorable experiences I had. Even better was when I finally got all the games to finish my Unova dex last month. It's just...really nice.
Also, that Japanese trailer was one of the most adorable and touching things I've watched in a while.
Anyways, those are my many, many thoughts on the subject. Yes, I'm finally done.