I think there is something to it. Cause it seems pretty weird that the sun Pokemon which in theory should be associated with fire is weak to it and the moon Pokemon which should be associated with darkness is weak to dark. Maybe something in the story will explain this. And seeing as how solgaleos attack says it crashes down like a meteor it could be based off of meteorites that move around the sun or something and as we know jirachi is based off of a shoting star wish is a meteor and it's psychic and steelAnyone else find it ironic that the Pokemon of the sun is x2 weak against fire it being a psychic/steel type and the Pokemon of the moon is x4 weak against dark, it being a psychic/ghost type.
Maybe this gen will finally introduce a big fat amount of new moves..
It also got me thinking.. gen 6 brought us Mega evoulutions, which boost the stats and often change types and abilities. So what can they do now? A new mechanic (maybe called break evolution lol) that allows the new form to use more than 4 moves. As with mega Pokemon, such a new feature will be restricted to 1 per team. I think that would be intersting for a valid alternative for Mega evolution when choosing your team in a competitive battle.
I think there is something to it. Cause it seems pretty weird that the sun Pokemon which in theory should be associated with fire is weak to it and the moon Pokemon which should be associated with darkness is weak to dark.
We have wonder guard
Anyways, I like the typing of Solgaleo. Did not expect that! Rotomdex looks awesome too. I like this a lot. Can't wait for release![]()
First off, its nuclear fusion, not fission. Fission is the process that creates nuclear bombs, fusion is the process that provides a sustainable energy source.
Okay since no one's pointed it out; that island smack dab in the ocean looks an awful lot like something we've seen before...
And for dual-typed moves, the TCG could be hinting at this with Steam Siege having dual-typed Pokemon again. Coincidence that it just so happens to be the set Magearna debuts in?Flying Press was probably just a test to see how well it ran, and since everyone's Hawlucha and their mother runs it, well. Totally not just for convenience, nah.
Just dear GOD, don't give us those stupid Re-BURST forms.