Finished RPG: Castle Siege- SIGN UPS ARE BACK!

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RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

OoC: Yes I Aura Clawed his face in :p
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

OOC: and that killed him wow he must not have been strong how did he overthrow Arcues
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

OoC: IDK, hopefully I can come up with a great story when we get to the castle XD
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

"OK guys, lets go find this castle, ok?
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

"Got it. Wondereye Squad let's move out."
Sableye: "Sir yes sir!"
OoC: I'm going to love doing that
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"Couldn't we sacrifice the Wondereye Squad for a distraction"
OoC: Doing what?
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OoC: Comanding the Sableye
"That's not a bad idea. In fact that's what I was planing the whole time."
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

"well lets get a move on then wait what about the dexoys shouldn't we take care of them first"
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

"Ehhh, That planet is probably a million light years away!"
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"I think we should be ready for Deoxys just to be safe."
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"Gah... Wait..."
Dark grabs a Sableye
"Maybe they can.."
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"Okay but we'll need more of them. Think those 9000 Sableye we'll help us still Spirit?"
Sableye: Umm could you let me go now Dark sir?
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"We don't know how many deoxys is coming!"
(Also the Sableye are weird u_u)
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"if its more then 9000 sabyles then i can get more"
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

OoC: Please... no more Sableye... I'm sorry but 9000, really? Thats too much u_n
RE: Castle Siege: Join if you like...

OoC: to travel with us?
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