RSE/FRLG Ruby and Sapphire Remakes?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Is it true that there's going to be Nintendo DS remakes of Ruby and Sapphire for the 5th Gen? Tell me it's not true cause it's a stupid idea IMO... -____-
There has been no hints, nor confirmation that there will be R/S/E remakes, however it would seem logical that there would be, following the recent pattern. I honestly can't envision a R/S/E remake, the games still seem rather new to me. Perhaps it's just because they were the first games I played competitively, so I remember them well.
I mean, Black and White haven't been released in Japan yet. They made remakes of all the previous Generations (LG/FR and HG/SS), so of course they'll put thought into making remakes of R/S/E.
I'm pretty sure (and hope) that there's going to be a R/S Remake in the future. They're probably going to be released some time in Generation 5 because Hoenn wasn't in Generation 4 at all.
I'm assuming it'll be something like
CrimsonRuby & MidnightSapphire or some craap like that >_>
Other than that, there's not really much to talk/speculate about.
It's too early to tell as of now.

It will probably be released for the 3DS.

Also I really don't see a reason why these WON'T be made. It's happened to the first two, why not the third?

Also I also bet it won't have that bad a set of names. No offense to anyone.
Rory said:
i am willing to lay a large amount of money on the table betting it will NOT be crimsonruby and midnightsapphire

those are pretty terrible names

yes i am being serious about this bet

Why did you have to make an entire post elaborating on how horrible those names are?
It was merely speculation...?

Whatever, anyways, it's too early to tell, pretty much.
I think ruby and sapphire remakes would be cool.
The hoenn region is the only one that has not been updated. lol.
So i dont see why not?