RuneScape - A once enjoyable game killed.


Nefarious D/P player!
RuneScape. I was there since 2004, since the age of 9.
I've seen it evolve and change throughout these years. Ever since Mark Gerhard took over jagex, things have changed so much that it's just ugly and ridiculous.
I miss 2004. We didn't have Claydol chat heads or RSHD. No.. We didn't need any of that bullcrap. Because, RS was as perfect as it was.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, RS is now nothing but a pile of crap and that the Medieval of RS is gone and dead.
Thats all. Thanks4Reading!
To be honest, the removal of PvP in the Wildy, and that stupid 15 minute trade thing killed it for me. WoW is ridiculously better, but I guess that's because you get your money's worth with it.
Now it's just embarrassing since you can't rip off people. I could get 1 gold for each cowhide I get and sell them for 200, now you have to be fair to people...
PVP was reintroduced.

And yes it has gone worse but it is slowly recovering. I don't play much anwyay but it was going downhill, yes.
Party hat and Santa hat FTW! :) I heard from a friend that they made ANOTHER Party hat event, and now they are worth about 100 GP... :(
bah i played this when it first came out.
when mytheral was the highest and it was lumbridge to varrock.... i played till the dragon quest came out
I still play the game. Obviously the trade rules and such have cut merchanting and cheating out of the money source, but it is still an enjoyable game.

Currently I just invest through the Grand Exchange, and do random stuff.

The two accounts I have are Karrious and Head Mage77. Karrious has 99 Attack (47m xp), 99 Strength, 99 Defense, 97 Magic, and 85 Slayer. My Head Mage file has 99 Woodcutting, 99 Fletching, and 99 Firemaking.