RE: Ryuu7's (=R [Design] Shop=)~Now OPEN!Get Your banners here!!~
Here's a test.PM me witWhat you want(Banner,avatar,etc): Banner
What's in there: Cloud Strife
What theme Colour do you want(2 or more): White/Light Grey
Any specific special effect?: Its up to you.Make it your best effort
What about text?: Mixed Emotion
Size?: 400x150
Border/no-border/whatever:Up to you
Anything else?: Nope
I'll see how i can help you out to improve or maybe you're already very good
Here's a test.PM me witWhat you want(Banner,avatar,etc): Banner
What's in there: Cloud Strife
What theme Colour do you want(2 or more): White/Light Grey
Any specific special effect?: Its up to you.Make it your best effort
What about text?: Mixed Emotion
Size?: 400x150
Border/no-border/whatever:Up to you
Anything else?: Nope
I'll see how i can help you out to improve or maybe you're already very good