Sabelock Counter


Aspiring Trainer
I'm really not sure where this goes (Mods feel free to move this).

What deck is the most favorable against Sabelock?

LMK. Thanks in advance.
Anything that runs a lot of search cards would be good. I play Sablelock and personally the best counter I've seen to my deck is just luck, and strong playing. If you run one of an important card, you're boned. If you run 4 Bebe's Search, you'll probably win. Also, It's tougher to beat any deck with Cyrus's Conspiracy in it than otherwise, because you can get another supporter and an energy, giving you the jump on the hand control.
I don't think Charizard is that favorable. Charizard needs precious cards to specifically set up and I think Sablelock is easily able to lock the deck from setting up. I know my friend has more experience (first hand at that :p) if he wants to expand.

Usually fast decks that can come out of the lock with cards like PONT are able to win against the deck. Sablelock highly relies on coin flips, so most games usually come to that.

dmaster out.
Anything bulky and fast should have a good chance against Sablelock. Without Blaziken FB, Sablelock just doesn't hit very hard, and it's not tanky either. If you run enough Warp Points, Donkphan should be fine against Sablelock, and Kingdra can manage against variants without Blaziken FB. Don't go down the Machamp road though, Honchkrow SV is a near-staple in Sablelock and their disruption means they have a good chance of setting up their BDK before you even get a Champ out.

Running 3-4 Smeargle UD in any deck also helps you get out of the lock, and boosts your deck's consistency in general.
I have noticed a lot of smeargle, although It's not great, i've seen smeargle portrait, then with Q they retreat to sableye, play their own supporter, and finally, impersonate another. That's so hard to counter that chain, especially if I have a collector, cyrus's conspiracy or Bebe's in hand.
Sablelock is hard to counter specifically...You really need to up your consistency to stand a chance. Smeargle, PONT, Looker's, Spiritomb, all of these cards help.
My personal favourite, and a card that is easy to integrate into any sp-deck, is Staraptor FB Lv.X. Pretty easy to get out, and he ensures you a supporter, if your opponent doesn't drop a power spray... Play this card wisely (attempt tricking your opponent to waste their sprays on other stuff), and Sablock becomes a much easier matchup:)
Blissey PL.


Built in draw, large Hp and the ability to heal. She is also only a stage 1 so fairly fast to set up too. Only real problem is finding a card that she can work well with. I'll link an article that might interest you...
Charizard has such a horrible matchup against Sabelock... it just isn't fair haha you do need to set up 3 different Pokemon just to get going, and with your hand and topdecks being locked it's just about impossible.

Donphan actually has a good matchup against it, since you only need 3 cards to start hitting for damage (and with a built in defender, it's harder to KO).
Agreed on Zard, but its only favourable matchup is SP, so what else is new. It 6-4s or worse to everything else in the format.