• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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SableLock BR any


Kingdra Player!
4 Sableye SF
2-2 Garchomp C LV.X SV
1-1 Blaziken FB LV.X SV
2-1 Uxie LV.X LA
1-1 Honchkrow SV
1 Chatot G SV
1 Crobat G PL
1 Ambipom G RR
1 Spiritomb TR
1 Unown Q MD

4 Power Spray
4 Poke Turn
3 SP Radar
3 Energy Gain
1 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 VS Seeker
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Cyrus's Initiative
2 Judge
1 Bebe's Search
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Aaron's Collection

3 Dark
1 Special Dark
1 Fire
Strategy:Lock their hand and their deck with Judge, Initiative, and Chatot G. Basic SableLock Strategy.
I am new to this deck. I want to put Mr. Mime CL so I could see their hand to see what I should do to them.
I would go;

-1 Spiritomb TM
+1 Crobat G

When running 4 poketurns, most of them should be going to Flash Bite's, and running only 1 crobat really isn't too great. Unless you really want to run 1, put in another. And if you want to run only 1, you can reduce it to 3 "Turns"
^ do this idea above, definitly going to be helpful

Don't bother with the Mr.Mime, as generally you are going to go for the lock turn1, so playing chatot will control topdecks, and initative to give them no search, or refresh cards (to unset the lock you have on there topdecks) So it dosen't matter to much, as you will find out on the intiative flip, and then you will know what gets added to there hand from disrupt. spy so you will get decent hand knowledge that way.
You need to add a Strategy to the first post with the decklist.

dmaster out.