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Sablelock (Masters / States)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (22)
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
1-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X
1-1 Honchkrow SV
4 Sableye SF
2 Crobat G
2 Uxie LA
1 Chatot G
1 Ambipom G
1 Azelf LA
1 Honchkrow G
1 Toxicroak G (DP41)
1 Unown Q

Trainers (14)
4 TGI: Poke Turn
4 TGI: Power Spray
3 TGI: Energy Gain
2 TGI: SP Radar
1 Luxury Ball

Supporters (13)
4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Cyrus’s Initiative
2 Judge
1 Aaron’s Collection
1 Bebe’s Search

Energy (11)
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Special Darkness Energy
2 Darkness Energy
1 Fire Energy
1 Psychic Energy

Strategy: Early game try to donk with Sableye, Crowbat, and Ambipom. Finish up late game with Garchomp C Lv.X and Honchkrow SV. Blaziken FB tech for DialgaChomp and to bring up idiots like Vileplume and Regice.
It's a standard list. I don't really know what to help with or if it's even necessary. But..

If you have then, take out 1 pokemon collector for uxie lv.X. And chatot g OR honchkrow g for lucario gl.

That change would help your machamp matchup since you can 1 hit it with uxie x if you have lucario gl out in play.

What's this? A good deck on the beach? This must be Zangoose's second, non-rogue account.

Personally, I don't like Luxury Ball. It's a top deck card, and you don't run a big enough Honchkrow line to make it work. I would try putting a 2-2 Krow in because it does amazing things versus SP, hits Gengar for weakness, and has fighting resistance. Honchkrow G, I've found, helps none of your matchups in this format, so take it out. Ambipom versus Draggy is pretty hard to decide, but I prefer Dragonite it can become a second attacker versus other SPs. Toxicroak is debatable, too. You decide if you want to run it. Removing Lux ball and Honchkrow, you get two spaces to fill in. Put in the Honchkrow, try fitting in a Bebe's, and then work from that. Also, since you're running Garchomp, you should try to play more copies of disposable basic energy so everyone is still allowed to attack after missing the DCE draws. Try fitting Bronzong in, too.

Nice deck. I'm playing Sablelock w/ Blaze for States too, actually.

I prefer Draggy over Pom, but that's just me. I'd take out the Krow G for another fire energy to reduce the likelihood of it being prized.
I wouldn't put bronzong in. with catcher coming out, it's got a common weakness and high retreat, so it'll be catcher'd alot. it'll make you use a poke-turn for it instead of for crobat drops or healing, or something else that's vital to win. I agree with having dragonite over ambipom for it's more consistent attack.
So, my current list has been updated to this:
Pokemon (22)
4 Sableye SF
2 Crobat G
2 Garchomp C
2 Garchomp C Lv.X
2 Uxie LA
1 Absol G
1 Absolf G Lv.X
1 Chatot G
1 Ambipom G
1 Azelf LA
1 Dragonite FB
1 Honchkrow SV
1 Murkrow SV
1 Toxicroak G (DP41)
1 Unown Q

Trainers (14)
4 TGI: Poke Turn
4 TGI: Power Spray
3 TGI: Energy Gain
2 TGI: SP Radar
1 Luxury Ball

Supporters (13)
4 Cyrus’s Conspiracy
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Cyrus’s Initiative
2 Judge
1 Aaron’s Collection
1 Bebe’s Search

Energy (11)
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Special Darkness Energy
2 Darkness Energy
1 Psychic Energy

-1 Blaziken FB, -1 Blaziken FB Lv.X, -1 Fire Energy, -1 Honchkrow G
+1 Absol G, +1 Absol G Lv.X, +1 Special Darkness Energy, +1 Dragonite FB

Im planning on keeping the Luxury Ball so I can reliable find the 1-1 Honchkrow SV chain. The 1-1 Absol G Lv.X chain is a LostGar tech. I may add in the 1-1 Blaziken FB Lv.X chain if I can a.) find the room for it and b.) think that it is needed.
Eh, with Honchkrow SV, you don't need Absol G.
You were better off with Blaziken FB, and adding in a Fire Energy and Lucario GL.
Dragonite FB is nice, but no use in having both him and Ambipom G. One or the other should suffice.
And since Sableye is your starter, you could take out a Collector easily, and 2 Special Darkness energies.
Add in 2 Fire Energies, and maybe another bebe's, or iniative, judge, etc.

4 Power Spray? You could also make do with 2 or 3, giving your more options.

Hope I got you thinkin'
catcher has no yet been released and wont be till nats so yeah keep bronzong in there