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sablelock (Senior) Battle Roads


1st place battle road
Hello, I have a sablelock deck have u more tips?:D

4 sableye SF
2 Garchomp C Lv.X
2 Garchomp C
1 Giratina PL
1 Uxie Lv.X La
2 Uxie La
1 Azelf La
1 honchkrow G
2 Crobat G
1 Chatot G
1 Dragonite FB

3 pokemon comunication
3 Power Spray
3 Energy Gain
4 Poké Turn
3 SP Rader
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Aaron's Collection
2 Cyrus's Initiative
2 Judge
2 Bebe's Seach
3 Pokémon Collector
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy

2 basic dark
4 special dark
4 double colorless Energy

Thank you.
Your main focus is disruption, so:

-1 Pokemon Collector (Through playtesting, I found two works fine)
-2 Super Scoop Up (I see no point in these
-1 Giratina PT (Just takes up bench space)

+1 Power Spray (Disruption!)
+2 Cyrus's Initiative (Disruption!)
+1 Judge (Disruption!)

I'd like to add in another Judge and two Energy Exchange Unit, but I can't find anything to take out. Your list looks solid.
Ok Ty but i dont take the giratina PT
i take then 2 super scoop up for 2 cyrus's Initiative
and 1 pokemon collector for 1 power spray

Thank You!!! :)
-1 Dragonite FB
+1 Ambipom G
-1 SP Radar
+1 Unown Q
Retreating is a problem with dragonite fb and you don't use warp nrg.
Unown Q is for fast retreating.
Ahh Ok thank you for tell the dragonite FB. Dragonite FB is to slow i think so i need pick dragonite FB out my Deck? yes or no?
Thank You.