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Sablelock(with luxray not Garchomp)


Aspiring Trainer
I wanted something good but a little different so i desided to build this deck. I have never played sablelock before so i feel like i buildt it badly. I do not want to run Garchomp C i want to run Luxray Gl in his place for this sablelock.

2-2 Luxray Gl (rr)
4 Sableye (sf)
2-1 Uxie (la)
3 chatot G (sv)
2 crobat g (pl)
2 unown q (md)
1 ambipom g (rr)
1 honchkrow g (pl)
1 bronzong g (pl)

3 Cyrus's Conpiracy
4 poke turn
2 sp radar
3 energy gain
2 bebes Search
3 pokemon collector
3 Cyrus's Initiative
3 Judge
2 power spray
2 aaron's collection
1 flower shop lady
1 Champion's room

7 {L}
2 sp{D}
1 {C}{C}

Open to all suggestions
-2 Chatot G
-4 Lightning
-1 DCE
-1 Champions Room
-1 Flower Shop Lady
-1 Judge.
+2 Sp Dark
+2 Darkness
+1 Cyrus
+2 Power Spray
+1 Unown UD
+1-1 Honchkrow SV
3 Chatot G is overkill, you only need 1, max out your cyrus and power spray helps.
And basic dark are searchable. and with Unown UD sp dark are also searchable so it's easier to donk.
Honchkrow SV helps in certain matchups
-2 Chatot G (you don't need more than one)
-1 Unown Q (one is enough)
-1 Honchcrow G (you don't need this)
-1 Bronzong G
-1 Judge (2 is enough)
-1 Cyrus's Initiative (2 is enough)
-1 Flower Shop Lady (you don't need this)
-1 Champions Room (you don't need this)
-1 Aaron's Collection (one is enough)
-5 {L} Energy (2 is enough)
+2 Garchomp C
+2 Garchomp C LV.X
+1 Lucario GL (one hit KO on Gyarados)
+1 Murkrow SV
+1 Honchcrow SV (counter to Gyarados, Machamp and Mewtwo)
+1 Cyrus's Conspiracy (you should use 4 of these)
+1 Power Spray (you should use 3-4 of these)
+3 {C}{C} Energy
+2 SP {D} Energy
+1 Basic {D} Energy
I recommend you to use Garchomp C X in this deck. SableLock allways run Garchomp C X.
Why take it down 1 chatot g i thought the point of this deck was to use him combo with judge and cyrus's initiative to lock.
Water_Dragon said:
Why take it down 1 chatot g i thought the point of this deck was to use him combo with judge and cyrus's initiative to lock.
Chatot G is easily countered.
Benchspace,deckspace etc.
And you can better use your Collector/SP radar/etc to get some mainattackers.
You're going to need to edit the strategy into the first post or this thread will be locked.