For the uninitiated, Sableye DEX/Garbodor DRX/Bunnelby PRC, also known as "Winmill", is a very strong deck with a dual purpose: shut your opponent down using Sableye to constantly recycle a barrage of energy denial cards like Crushing Hammer, Team Flare Grunt, Xerosic, and other cards such as Life Dew to deny you from taking any prizes. The deck also plays Garbodor DRX, which, when it has a tool attached, shuts off all abilities, denying you the use of Shaymin EX, Jirachi EX, and whatever other abilities your deck may need to run. After it has worn you down, it uses Bunnelby PRC's attack, Burrow, to deck you out by discarding 2 cards from your deck while switching on and off with Sableye to get cards back. While the deck is definitely not undefeatable, it is very unfair for whoever is facing it and can recycle it's cards endlessly. The deck also seemingly has no counters, and is only stopped by "top cut rules". Let's pool our collective knowledge and find a counter!