Sableye, or Spirtomb?

Sableye, or Spritomb

  • Sableye

    Votes: 15 57.7%
  • Spritomb

    Votes: 11 42.3%

  • Total voters


I am 721.5
I am currently running a toolbox that has a 3-2-3 line of my main attacker, Garchomp SV. For my Gyrados Match up. A 2-2-2 Machamp SF line for SP, and 2-2 Umbreaon for Mew, Gengar, and Yanmega\Magnezone. Every game I have played has been either I set up and win[2/3 times] or I get bad draw and lose [1/3 times]. I have 3 or 4 spots in my deck and was wondering weather I sould use Sableye, or Spirtomb? Here is a Pro Con list of each.

Use an extra supporter out of deck.
Can Donk.

Oppent goes always goes second.
I always go first.

Easy to get rid of.

No damage.
Opnet may get Prize.
Limted to what I have for basics.

Normaly I would use Spitomb, but since I have so many diffrent pokemon I would like to chose what basics I get. On the other hand, Sableye lets my oppnet go first, wich in my format of Yanmega, SPs, and Gyrados may result in a donk.

I could take out 1-0-1 of my Garchomp and have 3 Spritombs and 3 Call energy as an alterantive.
Since you have a lot of room , why not use both? I prefer sableye since i end up locking myself with spiritomb.
I am trying to stick with one that helps me more often, or I will have the problem of trying to get the right starter.
Depends on whether your deck would benefit most from a strong, fast setup with Sableye or a slower but disruptive setup with Spiritomb. I always use Sableye unless my deck really benefits from Trainer Lock.
I would say use Spiritomb, add in some Call and be sure to always run 3 or 4 Collector. If you go second, you can get anything out at least after T2, evolved and ready to go.
Spiritomb is better since your problem is consistency. Spiritomb gets you evolved and all, and disrupts your opponent a great amount. I'd go for that.
^No. With Smeargle you can only play off of whats in you opponents hand. That can be either amazingly good or disasterously bad.

I would go with Spiritomb (in your case. Otherwise I prefer Sableye). First because I despise donks and try to prevent them. And because you may benefit more from getting an almost-auto T2 Machamp or Garchomp.
Sableye for SP decks, obviously. You can also use it for S1 decks.

Spiritomb for trainerlocking and s2 decks.
I would say get rid of your Umbreon? And probably your Garchomp SV as well. In fact, you could just play a deck that is good. I mean, like SP. Or, if you wanted to play Machamp, play a good build?

Or wait. If you are insistent on using all 3 of those pokemon lines, think about this. Do you have evolution lines? If so, and your deck isn't Gyrados, use Spiritomb. If its anything that doesn't need evolving, then use Sableye, or no starter at all?
Sooooo many evolutions. Spiritomb really excels in that kind of deck. Slowing down your opponent is just gravy.

dmaster out.
First of all, I would like to thank every one for their help. I have decided to go with Spritomb for now and willl be playing it at leage along with some calls.

I would say get rid of your Umbreon? And probably your Garchomp SV as well. In fact, you could just play a deck that is good. I mean, like SP. Or, if you wanted to play Machamp, play a good build?

Or wait. If you are insistent on using all 3 of those pokemon lines, think about this. Do you have evolution lines? If so, and your deck isn't Gyrados, use Spiritomb. If its anything that doesn't need evolving, then use Sableye, or no starter at all?
On another note please do not leave post such as above. It does NOT help me. As you can see this is a question about the starter, not about the pokemon line itself. I would like you to understand the statagy behind this deck

Garchomp= me beating Gyrados 9/10 times due to me one shoting and getting rid of recover energy.
Umbreon= me beating MewPereir, Gengars, Charizards, Magnezones ect about 7/10 tmes. Due to the lock and Machamp or Garchomp getting rid of most counters to him.
Machamp+Garchomp= me Beating SP [exluding DialgaChomp] 7/10 times. Due to take out and Garchomp's attack not being affected by E-gain.

I have not thorughly test played for DiaglaChomp but right now its about a 50-50.

Since DialgaChomp is very rare in my meta this is a VERY good MetaCounter. So I willl countinue playing my deck wich has a 10-4 record so far.

Again, thank you to every one who helped me out.
i'd definately go with the spiritomb in your list. The lock is really nice and and helps out a lot. It's also practically a sacrifice starter, so you can abuse twins/blackbelt with spiritomb too.