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Sableye. States Masters.


Aspiring Trainer
4 Sableye
3-1 Chomp
3-1 Uxie
1 Chatot G
1 Draggy
1 Honchkrow
1 Q
1 Azelf
1 Bat
1 Ditto
1 PromoCroak
4 Cyrus
2 Judge
2 Initiative
2 Collector
4 Spray
4 Turn
3 Gain
2 Radar
2 Bebes
2 Prem Ball
1 Aarons
1 Vs Seeker
4 Sp Dark
2 Dark
1 Psy

Disrupt Snipe Disrupt. Weird techs are Ditto which is for Gengar as well as opposing Garchomps. 3-1 Uxie and premier Balls is for machamp.
-1 Premier Ball
-1 Spray

+1-1 Honchkrow SV

It is a really good Mewtwo counter, and can really help against other SP's. It can be easily set-up if they have BTS in play, and usually hits for a Definite 80. Also helps against Gdos with it's Power, by putting Magikarps on there bench. Only really bad part is weakness to Luxray.
Krow SV isn't as good anymore. Good gyarados players will just fill their bench with mesprit, crobat, their starters, and their personal tech(Luxray or Dialga)
I think you need more basic energy because if you dragon rush like 1 or twice with any basic energy you're finished so these are they changes I would make

-1 premier ball
-1 uxie

+2 dark energy
You... need... Honchkrow. Trust me. Assuming the World of Lostness comes out in CoL, everyone with 500 bucks to spend on 4 Gengar Prime will play it. Honchkrow is an AMAZING counter to LostGar and Gyrados early game.
I'll test it. It just seems kinda bad IMO. Like Weavile G's much better. OHKO'ing gengars left and right is nice.