Sableye vs. Smeargle

Which Pokemon is the best to start with?

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I have been getting into a lot of arguments about whether Sableye SF or Smeargle UD is a better start to get the best consistency. What do you think is the better start?

Smeargle Pro's:

-Can allow you to use 2 or more supporters per turn
-Can possibly allow you set up faster than Sableye because it does not waste a turn to attack
-More HP than Sableye

Smeargle Con's:

-Set up is slowed down if the opponent does not have a Supporter
-Power that can be Sprayed

Sableye Pro's:

-Always makes you go first
-Allows you to use two Supporters
-Can donk with Special Dark
-Guarantees that you can use a Supporter

Sableye Con's:

-Becomes almost useless late game and is a dead draw
-Uses one or more turns to set up
Well... it sort of depends on the deck, but I think Smeargle is better in general. Getting a free supporter any time your opponent gets a KO is really nice (and it's always fun to use your opponent's Twins right after they get ahead in prizes), add an Unown Q for free retreat, and you have a great card that is always useful. After T2/3, Sableye becomes sort of... meh. Your opponent will usually have a supporter in his/her hand, so I wouldn't worry too much about Smeargle not being useful. Sableye can go for the donk in a dark-based deck, but it's usually pretty unlikely. Going first is, for the most part, a bad thing, as you can use only 1 Supporter.
lol i agree wif dis guy

I usually don't see Sableye used as often as I see Smeargle being used. The only times I see Sableye used now is in all Dark decks like TTar Prime, or in Sablelock or Chenlock. Most everywhere else I see one of the two, especially in SPs, Smeargle is the preferred one. Plus, if you go second, you can go for two supporters in 1 turn and get set up quite quickly. (I Portrait your Cyrus' Conspiracy, good sir.)

Plus, when you copy the Supporter, you don't burn out your own deck either, which is always a bonus. With Sableye you'll lose the Supporter; with Smeargle you won't.

In summation, imo, Smeargle > Sableye.
I have to disagree.

I think Sableye is better because my some opponents often don't have Supporters in my deck (like at BR, when I played a 1-2 kid). Sableye also Guarentee's you use the supporter you want to use. You go first to so you can get set-up a little quicker and you can evolve first. Smeargle can be power-sprayed, and has a bad weakness. Sableye has no weakness, and a resistance to the popular Garchomp C. Going first also can prevent a donk if you have a Uxie/Azelf, etc. that you want to use. You can go first and use it. The deck that Sableye is best in is Gyarados. In a way, it depends on the deck but I have only seen smeargle used once, while I've seen Sableye many time. Most Importantly though, you get to pick the supporter you use. What if you opponent has a Palmers & Fisherman in their hand on your first turn, then what? Another problem is that Smeargle has to be active. If it weren't for that Smeargle would be better. I think Sableye is better in general because Smeargle is a gamble.

Cool sig Cypher.
What kind of players don't run any Supporters in their deck, honestly? If he knows what kind of opponent's he's going up against, then by all means Smeargle is preferred - and he most likely does know what his current meta is. Sure it's a bit of a gamble, but the risk is relatively low, while the payoff is much greater.

also what are 2yos doing at battle roads i ask you
Newbies (quite a few at my league, like this one guy who was mad at a trade, and called the cards he got fakes so he could get the card he traded back).

And what do you mean by- 2yos?
It depends 100% on the deck. I feel that Smeargle is better in more decks due to it not taking an attack. It is a great recovery card when paired with Unown Q? They knocked out your attacker? Promote Smeargle, use its power, grab a Bebe/collector/Cyrus, get back into the game. Smeargle is good when you need to set up 100% of the time with a specific supporter. Most Sablock/Chenlock builds play Sableye to be able to get Judge/Cyrus/Cyrus/Collector when they need it. Not too many people will play discardy Cyrus. Gyarados NEEDS to be able to collector T1 to be in the game. If they Portrait and don't see the collector, they may as well scoop the game up. For everything else, there's Master Card there's Smeargle. :)
-Guarantees that you can use a Supporter
Why is that a con of sableye?

And one of the thing I don't like about smeargle is that you have to use a supporter in their hand if there is one. So if they only keep a judge for example then your judge yourself even if you had a good hand.
@Glaceon: If they don't have any supporters in their deck, chances are you'll win because their deck sucks, so it doesn't really matter whether you have Smeargle or Sableye.
Judge can be bad. But your opponent will almost always have another supporter or no supporter than just 1 Judge.
I believe that is most definetly depends on the deck being ran. For instance, I use a Donphan deck. For me to use a smeargle, it means that I have to use a WP/switch, or wait until Donphan gets knocked out (Which isn't suppose to happen to often!). So, I use sableye to get out quick and get ahead in prizes when I send out a Donphan. Sableye and Smeargle depends on the decklist! :D
Well, I voted for the wrong thing. Now I agree it depends on the deck.
I like smeargle for the long run (rotationz :p), but now yes it depends on your deck completely
Urgh, I misread that bit when you said '1-2'. I realize that's a win record. Sorry, ignore that bit.
Uhh, for Smeargle con it's just another easy Prize for Gengar (not that great IMO, especially if the deck already has a poor Gengar/Vilegar matchup).

And for Sableye, going first is not good in _every_ single deck. Sure, Gyarados highly needs it, but for a tech in certain other decks, going first mandatory is not the ideal.

dmaster out.
another thing about smeargle is the opponent can just use the good supporters so you cant, and sometimes force you to use a supporter that would help them more than you (something like judge)
i remember i used to think smeargle was a lot better for the reasons many people listed, and it really helped me out a lot, but I think i changed my mind when I played someone really good and he just played around it basically. Making sure the only supporter he had at hand was judge or something and i've kinda grown off it somewhat due to this.

And now I play gdos, sableye is almost mandatory anyway :/

Really does depend on the deck, I think smeargle works better as a tech in a lot of decks whereas sableye needs to start to be of use or at least be able to bring it out asap.