Sadest Pokemon Moments?...

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Ah yes I forgot about that one. No 6. Same as Ghost Pokemon Master. Sobs.
and what about the celebi one? when celebi almost died (or realy died) in pokemon ? it was sad.

and when charizard got frozen and ash spent the whole night with him.

and when all the pokemon got suck by the tree-like thingy in movie 8.
first movie when charizards head is stuck in the tube in the mini movie. its the first time charizard showed any emotion since he was a charmander. that one gets me every time.
1.When ash was turned to stone and only through pikachu (and the other pokemon's) love, could he be turned back. (the first movie)
2.When ash tried to make pikachu leave him and stay behind with a group of wild pikachu. (I really did start to cry).
3.When ash released his butterfree.
4.When misty said goodbye in that song she sang.
8.When Max had to leave Jirachi

Yes, those are definetley the saddest moments for me.
Yeah, the poacher episode was a sad one.
And also about he story of Agnes(not sure of her name) in the episode Time warp heals all wounds.
When Misty had to leave Togetic to protect the Togepi.I cried.And when May couldn't keep Swablu...that was really sad for me.And when Celebi died and Ash kept trying to give those berries it liked and he kept dropping them because he was crying so much.
when ash got stuck in that blizard and he tried to put all of is pokemons inside their pokeballs and they didint want! i got realy emotioned they showed the love they felt from him.
The saddest was when Max had to leave Ralts. I almost cried! My mom goes, " You're crying over Pokemon?" XD She thinks I'm a dork for liking pokemon :p
The saddest for me was when Ash let Pikachu go to its own kind. I almost cried along with Ash.
either when pikachu nearly left or when latios had to give himself up to stop the tidal wave. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
When your fighting the Elite four, closest to killing them and they use full restore!:(:p:(
cute-mew said:
the saddest moment ever was when poor little mirage mew had to sacrifice his life to beat mirage mewtwo, POOR MEW :(:(:(:(:(
(in the master of mirage pokemon special)

that's all I can think of that hasn't been mentioned, :(, this thread makes me get emotional :p j/k :p

yes poor mirage mew...
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