DPPt/HGSS Sakura's Daycare

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RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Could You Also Breed....

Egg Move:Curse

Take your time on it and tell me when it's ready.:)
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Sure! But remember, I am still no at Solceon Town yet! Almost to Hearthrome!
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

I know when you can get the poke tell me.Oh and If you ahve Grotle teach it Curse to breed.
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Ok well tell me when it's ready.
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Can You breed...

Decent Atk IV(15-31)

You will get My Ev'd Mewtwo for all of them.
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Ok i'll wait.Also i'll give you A Ev'd Snorlax.
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Alright! I got to Soleceon Town! So... I am trying to evolve my togepi so I may breed it! :)
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

I can get these pokemon for you.:)

Chickorita bold
Totodile< with ice punch dragon dance crunch and waterfall
Misdreavous< Timid or modest
Lapras modest
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

I like the Wish Eevee, And do you have a girl careful Mudkip?
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

No, I don't but, I can try breeding for one, I just hope I have good luck! XD
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Thats alright. I can give you the totodile right now. I have a Missdrieveuss but it is relaxed nature....
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Alright, I'll breed the mudkip and wish eevee for you now, do you want anything else?
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

I'll give you my Totodile and Missdrevies for the wish Eevee male. I can trade now too.
RE: Sakura's Pokemon Thread! (LF 21 Rare Candies)

Alright, Bring an extra pokemon so you can get both of yours. I'll be online my friend code is in my profile. Thanks:cool:
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