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Salamenstar (Salamence lv x/ Omastar) Rouge deck help please..


Slave for Jesus :D
Hey guys, this is my FIRST time asking for help with a deck.. so here's my rouge deck featuring Salamence and Omastar...


** This is for fun play, I don't go to any major leagues or anything, I usually just play with my cousins and friends. (even though i WANT to go to a tournament) **

___________________________POKEMON ___________________________

x3 Bagon: LA
x2 Shelgon: SF
x2 Salamence: AR
x1 Salamence Lv.X: AR

x3 Omanyte: AR
x2 Omastar: MD

x1 Nidoran F: RR
x1 Nidoqueen: RR

x1 Azelf
x1 Uxie
Total Pokemon: 17

___________________________Trainers ___________________________
x4 Helix Fossil: AR
x2 Bebe's search: RR
x1 Energy Exchanger: UD
x2 Expert belt: AR
x1 Judge: UL
x1 Luxury Ball: SF
x1 Palmer's Contribution: SV
x2 Pokemon Communication: GS
x1 Premier ball: SF
x3 Rare candy: UL
x3 Research Record: CL
x2 Seeker: TM
x1 Super Scoop Up: UL
x2 Warp point: MD
Total Trainers: 26

___________________________Energy ___________________________

x3 {C}{C} Energy
x6 {R} energy
x8 {W} energy

Total Energy: 17

STRATEGY: You WANT to start off with Helix fossil, attach a water energy, then draw for three. In the mean time, set up bagon, rare candy to Salamence, combo with Research record to find a water/fire energy then attach using his PokePower: Top Accelerator. By turn 3 you COULD have a fully powered salamence lv.x beat stick. Omastar is there JUST IN CASE my opponent has stage 2's, and I can combo with warp point then primal swirl.

Nidoqeen for heal engine
Azelf for prized lv.x
Uxie for draw

It's pretty straight forward, and the deck actually runs smooth from when I've played it... I was just wondering if anyone knew of something to bump up this decks capabilities ;)

Thanks everyone!!
:D :D :D :D :D
There's always someone with a new idea! Hehe, welcome to the forums (or happy first deck post, whatever..).
When I looked your decklist I thought that it was a Gyarados wannabe deck, using Salamence to discard all fossils and then do heavy damage with Omastar using Primal Tentacles. But yeah, that Omastar is from Arceus. My recommendation is add some Omastar AR and a line of Slowking GS (you can't rely only in Research Record) for organize your top 3 cards and then do top acelerator. And also, I think that is a nice idea maxing all type of fossils and use top acelerator, sage's training, junk arm, regice, etc. for discarding them and then just do a lot of damage with Omastar AR. So here it is my final opinion:

+2 Sableye SF (If you don't start with Helix Fossil. you can bring it on with this nice starter).
+1 Omanyte AR
+2 Omastar AR (or -2 Omastar MD and +4 Omastar AR)
+4 Old Amber
+4 Dome Fossil
+3 Broken Time-Space (you'll love to evolve Salamence and Omastar in only 1 turn)
+4 Rescue Energy (or Floatzel GL Lv. X, but that only works for rescuing the Omastars... the idea is to have always Omastar available)
+2 Pokémon Collector
+1-1 Slowking GS/CoL (it works great with Salamence's Top Acelerator, even if you don't like this strategy)
+2 Sage's Training (or +3 for discarding the fossils quickly)
+2 Junk Arm (for discarding the fossils... or maybe Regice LA)

Again, this is just an opinion, and it's a totally different strategy of what you were playing. Hope it helped :)

Oh, and btw, if you don't like the Omastar AR strategy... I suggest you to add 1-1 of Slowking GS and maybe +2 of Sableye SF.
Thanks Ahiro! :) That sounds like a sick combo with the Sage's training. The only thing i DON'T like about it, is how low the damage output is... maximum would .... never mind; I just now read your list recommendations and saw you added a boat load of fossils ^_^ hahah :p

I really like your twist to with the whole Omastar Primal tentacles thing! I'll try it out (I wish I had more people to duel against :[ )

Thanks a lot!!! I'll let you know how the deck testing against myself went lol :p

Ps. It doesn't really make sense to use junk arm on ambers, because you can just discard them from your bench... like i mean.

-Play old amber
-Discard amber from play due to there poke-power.

Know what I'm sayin? ;)

I think I'm going to test with kabuto/kabutops from Majestic dawn possibly. Then adding in fighting energy, less fire, and a couple rainbow... haah this is changing into a fossil deck really quick :p

UGHHHHHHHHHHH i don't even know if it makes sense though becuase rotations coming up soon. When is the next rotation btw? And have they said what there getting rid of yet?

Sorry for making you read so much xD Thanks for all your help buddy!

God bless :)
No prob with reading dude, and I'm glad that it helped :) let's see...

- If you're doubting about the damage, if you discard all the fossils (except one for Omastar and attach Rescue Energy for not losing your main attacker) you'll be doing like 140 damage, 160 with expert belt. I think that damage it's fine, right? xD
- Yeah, you're right about the junk arms, when I ended posting I realized that fossils can be discarded anytime you want if it is in your bench xD
- Rotations come in September, and most people believe that it'll be RR-on (or PL-on, but its more possible the RR-on change). We have some moths to use this set (I've already bought a Leafeon Lv. X, knowing that is MD :p)
- Kabutops MD it's an interesting card (I never have seen it before xD) you can use Kabutops AR for power up the fossil discarding strategy, but using Kabutops will mean -10 to Omastar attack (There's always a pokemon with 160 HP...).

If you discard the fossils quick, you'll have a kickass Omastar with 120 HP doing 140 damage per turn :)

Again, I'm glad I helped!
@Eaglrombie: Next rotation isn't until September, so feel free to go nuts on the MD-on format that we're currently playing. No, they haven't said which sets they are going to rotate...my guess is RR-on, but there's much speculation and controversy surrounding the rotation now so we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyways, your Omastar idea may even be better than you think. If you drop Omastar and de-volve all of your opponents Pokemon, then Level Up your Salamence lv. X, you could use Double fall and possibly get 3+ prize cards, all in one shot! I'm not sure if that was your original intention, but that's what first came to my mind when looking at this list.
Ahiro said:
No prob with reading dude, and I'm glad that it helped :) let's see...

- If you're doubting about the damage, if you discard all the fossils (except one for Omastar and attach Rescue Energy for not losing your main attacker) you'll be doing like 140 damage, 160 with expert belt. I think that damage it's fine, right? xD
- Yeah, you're right about the junk arms, when I ended posting I realized that fossils can be discarded anytime you want if it is in your bench xD
- Rotations come in September, and most people believe that it'll be RR-on (or PL-on, but its more possible the RR-on change). We have some moths to use this set (I've already bought a Leafeon Lv. X, knowing that is MD :p)
- Kabutops MD it's an interesting card (I never have seen it before xD) you can use Kabutops AR for power up the fossil discarding strategy, but using Kabutops will mean -10 to Omastar attack (There's always a pokemon with 160 HP...).

If you discard the fossils quick, you'll have a kickass Omastar with 120 HP doing 140 damage per turn :)

Again, I'm glad I helped!

So check it out... I tested with Salamence, and he only ended up getting in the way. I ended up just changing slowly into a pure fossil deck :p Lol

Here's what I ended up with;

x2 Omanyte: AR
x2 Omastar: AR
x2 Kabuto: MD
x2 Kabutops: AR
x1 Aerodactyl: AR
x3 Uxie: LA

Total: 12
x4 Helix Fossil
x4 Dome Fossil
x4 Old Amber
x4 Claw Fossil
x4 Pokemon Communication
x2 Energy Exchanger
x2 Warp Point
x1 Luxury Ball
x2 Pokedex Handy 910is
x2 Expert Belt

Total: 29
x3 Fossil Excavator
x3 Sage's Training

Total: 6
x1 {C}{C}
x6 {W}
x6 {F}

Total: 13

SO check it out. Since it's a different deck I'm gonna explain this guy's strategy... In theory in sounds beastly, but I'll find out when I test it...

You have 2 "golden" hand starters.
1'st- Dome Fossil with Fighting energy
2nd- Helix Fossil with Water energy

If you have any of these, then your good. If you get the dome fossil first, then you attach the fighting, BOOM evolve to Kabuto, flip for Ancient Guidance, if you get it, then get out a Helix Fossil. Use Shell attack to end the turn. Next turn, you do what ever, like pokemon communication for a Kabutops, watter energy to the Helix, maybe get out an uxie, belt Kabutops, then discard a fossil for 80 turn 2.... Sounds good to me? :p

If theres anything you think i should fix, let me know man. Thanks ^_^

Ps) Please don't recommend rescue energy, it flops in this deck, theres no need for it.

XFlameMasterX said:
@Eaglrombie: Next rotation isn't until September, so feel free to go nuts on the MD-on format that we're currently playing. No, they haven't said which sets they are going to rotate...my guess is RR-on, but there's much speculation and controversy surrounding the rotation now so we'll just have to wait and see.

Anyways, your Omastar idea may even be better than you think. If you drop Omastar and de-volve all of your opponents Pokemon, then Level Up your Salamence lv. X, you could use Double fall and possibly get 3+ prize cards, all in one shot! I'm not sure if that was your original intention, but that's what first came to my mind when looking at this list.

Yeah man you're right on the money! Double fall + Primal swirl along with a warp point if needed was the intention of the deck. ^_^

Got any suggestions for the deck? :D

and thanks for the Format heads up!
I like that fossil strategy. Just a question (because the computer where I am replying is VERY old and slow...): for what it works Aerodactyl?

Also, you always have the Sage's Training strategy, just for discard easily the fossils... but yeah, you'll need a Slowking line for make sure what are you going to discard.

EDIT: Forget about my Aerodactyl question, I've already seen the scan xD pretty nice for this deck.
^Aerodactyl AR is for quick fossil searching.

You know, Spiritomb AR, Vileplume UD, and Kabutops MD wrecks the deck. With these in play(though Vileplume is most common), you can't play Fossils. I reccommend a 1-1 line of Dialga G LV.X, so it locks Poke-bodies. It does lock a few on your side, but think about it: Trainer Lock is an auto-loss(almost).
why is claw fossil in here?

primal scythe - you may discard helix fossil, dome fossil, or old amber from your hand. if you do, this attack does 20 dmg+50 more dmg.

primal tentacles - does 30 dmg + 10 more dmg for each helix fossil, dome fossil, and old amber in your discard pile.

4 old amber, 3dome, 3 helix is 30+100, or 130dmg max if u hv 1 kabuto and 1 omastar is play. belt 150.. not too bad.

unless u using claw fossil to counter gengar prime+seeker?? haha
Yoshidude10 said:
^Aerodactyl AR is for quick fossil searching.

You know, Spiritomb AR, Vileplume UD, and Kabutops MD wrecks the deck. With these in play(though Vileplume is most common), you can't play Fossils. I reccommend a 1-1 line of Dialga G LV.X, so it locks Poke-bodies. It does lock a few on your side, but think about it: Trainer Lock is an auto-loss(almost).

Agreed, I didn't think the Spiritomb thing through at all.. 1-1 line should be perfect will all those Pokemon communication. I'll update the fossil list later. Thanks man :D

samurai83x said:
why is claw fossil in here?

primal scythe - you may discard helix fossil, dome fossil, or old amber from your hand. if you do, this attack does 20 dmg+50 more dmg.

primal tentacles - does 30 dmg + 10 more dmg for each helix fossil, dome fossil, and old amber in your discard pile.

4 old amber, 3dome, 3 helix is 30+100, or 130dmg max if u hv 1 kabuto and 1 omastar is play. belt 150.. not too bad.

unless u using claw fossil to counter gengar prime+seeker?? haha

hahah epic fail on my part, I was thinking ANY fossil worked. So i guess I'll take out 4 claw fossil for 1-1 Dialga lv.x and.... ??? what else do you guy's think?
eaglrombie said:
Yoshidude10 said:
^Aerodactyl AR is for quick fossil searching.

You know, Spiritomb AR, Vileplume UD, and Kabutops MD wrecks the deck. With these in play(though Vileplume is most common), you can't play Fossils. I reccommend a 1-1 line of Dialga G LV.X, so it locks Poke-bodies. It does lock a few on your side, but think about it: Trainer Lock is an auto-loss(almost).

Agreed, I didn't think the Spiritomb thing through at all.. 1-1 line should be perfect will all those Pokemon communication. I'll update the fossil list later. Thanks man :D

samurai83x said:
why is claw fossil in here?

primal scythe - you may discard helix fossil, dome fossil, or old amber from your hand. if you do, this attack does 20 dmg+50 more dmg.

primal tentacles - does 30 dmg + 10 more dmg for each helix fossil, dome fossil, and old amber in your discard pile.

4 old amber, 3dome, 3 helix is 30+100, or 130dmg max if u hv 1 kabuto and 1 omastar is play. belt 150.. not too bad.

unless u using claw fossil to counter gengar prime+seeker?? haha

hahah epic fail on my part, I was thinking ANY fossil worked. So i guess I'll take out 4 claw fossil for 1-1 Dialga lv.x and.... ? what else do you guy's think?

why not run 0-4 aerodactyl (2ar/2md) ,drop 1 uxie..that way if they use powers also take damage.. i ran it with damage bind amphy and it was pretty good.. having 1 means u may need to put azelf... or do 0-2 aerodactyl (1md/1ar) +1 azelf +1vs seeker
Yoshidude10 said:
why not run 0-4 aerodactyl (2ar/2md) ,drop 1 uxie..that way if they use powers also take damage.. i ran it with damage bind amphy and it was pretty good.. having 1 means u may need to put azelf... or do 0-2 aerodactyl (1md/1ar) +1 azelf +1vs seeker

Here's the updated list... I chose not to run the Aerodactyl/Amphy line.. becuase I found that with THIS build, it slows down the deck by a lot, Plus I'm forced to run rarecandy, and it just messes everything up. Good idea though, and i can definitely see that being run in a different type deck! :)

Heres what the Fossil deck looks like so far, after spiritomb counter edits:

2 Omanyte (For Collect- Draw 3 cards)
2 Omastar ( For Primal Tentacles - 30+10 for each Helix,dome, and old amber in the discard)
2 Kabuto (For Ancient Guidance Poke'power- Flip, if heads search for fossil)
2 Kabutops (For Primal Scythe- 20+50 if you discard a Helix, dome, or old amber)
2 Aerodactyl (For Unearth Poke'power- once per turn, search for a; Helix, Dome, or Old amber fossil, add it to your hand)
2 Uxie (For Poke'power Set Up- Are you serious? You don't know what this does?)
1 Azelf (For Poke'power Time walk- Read comment above)
1 Diagla G (For POSSIBLE Deafen)
1 Dialga G Lv. X (For Spiritomb block - Pokebody Time crystal- All pokemon excluding pokemon SP can't use Poke'BODY'S)

4 Helix Fossil (Poke'body Aqua Reaction - when you attach a {W} evolve into Omanyte)
4 Dome Fossil (Poke'body Rock Reaction - when you attach a {F} evolve into Omanyte)
4 Old Amber (Poke'body Hard Amber - Prevent damage done to Old Amber while on the bench)
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Energy Search
2 Warp Point
1 Luxury Ball
2 Poke'dex Handy910is
2 Expert Belt

3 Sage's Training ( For Discarding Fossils rapidly!!!! Also has a small combo with Pokedex Handy 910is)
2 Fossil Excavator
2 Engineer's Adjustments

6 {W}
6 {F}
1 {C}{C}