
Aspiring Trainer
My last thread didnt work out so well so im making another one. Nobody knows that i like her and i dont want people to know. How can i kinda communicate with her without others knowing?
Oh my god. You don't want people to know. Such a bloody important secret!

Grow up, dude. Who cares if you like her? In the world of love and relationships, there are two factors: You, and her. That's it.

Oooohhh, I like a girl, I can't let my friends know, they'll bug me about it... My rents will tease me... I'll look like a nerd... What's your reason? Man up and ask her to dinner and a movie. It's not that tough. You say the words. If she says yes, you win. If she says no, you win too, because the goal isn't her, the goal is who she is. If she says no, it's not meant to be, and therefore you move on, thus it's still a win for you.
I must say, GREAT WORDS!!

If you're nervous about her buddies knowing, just ask if you could talk to her in private...that's all!
It is possible to talk to her like any ordinary friend without making it seem like you have a crush on her. Of course, if you talk to her in an "ordinary" fashion out of the blue, it will seem suspicious. Talking to her privately will make her feel uncomfortable.
Señor Noobnerd said:
Talking to her privately will make her feel uncomfortable.
Ya I agree, that works when your older, and when there is a suspucion the feeling is mutual.

Just say hi to her in the hall once in a while, just a casual "hey (insert name here)" Then maybe if you see her just standing around, Hey watz up. or if you see her during lunch talk to her or something. Shes not an alien. I mean dont bombard her all at once. It is said its better to make friends with a girl so things can happen later. If your not friends with her alredy (sounds like it since you cant even talk to her) Then make friends with her. Hope this helps.
First of all, i am kind of her friend, and do kinda talk to her. Second, im only in 5th and we dont have any classes together so we cant really talk. Also, already i told my friends that i like her. My best friend said that we would go good together.
ok then why do u care so much about girls your in the 5th grade enjoy not having to worry about grils and a job just have fun
Not another girl problem thread. These have reminded me of my harsh past long enough. T_T Now to stay on topic, I'm guessing she's pretty rather than hot.:p If you're in 5th grade then your classmates still probably act childish and will ROFL when they see you approach her. Don't mind them, be brave. Being a coward for an entire year was my weakness. I only got the guts to face her when she found someone else.=[
Fifth grade? That makes you like, eleven? Well, glad to see you've outgrown the cooties stage. Now, you've said you and her are kind of friends. So, before even asking her out or anything, you need to ask yourself one question. See, I've had some friends who were girls. I would talk to them all the time, get a crush on them, ask them out, then never talk to them again cuz I got rejected. Now, on the other hand, if you ask her out, she says yes, then you guys break up, it also becomes hostile territory. So the question is, "Is it worth risking your friendship?"

I'm not trying to scare you, only prepare you for a situation I know all too well.
Palmer: Hehehe, story of my life. Always hurts when you find out later she would've said yes >.<

Anyway, trust me when I say that I have expirenece in this field. I've hooked up basically every guy I know (other then me, which is an annoying side effect) along with a few girls many times. Max Shade's sister even (well maybe, haven't heard from her in a while). Fact is this is a yes or no question. There's no point in wavering thinking it might be no, and lose the chance of a yes all together. Being in 5th grade, she might not be ready for a relationship, or she might be willing to learn. The only way to ask her (that does't involve serious reprocussions) is to just go and ask her out. Simple as that. If you value her friendship more then your desire to go out with her, then don't. Otherwise, there's nothing holding you back.
philip said:
Well, som of her friends are going out wit som of my friends

How lucky. If you were all 15 or 16 years old, and THAT was the scenario...Wow. You sir, would be the luckiest man alive.

But if some of her friends are going out with some of yours... Uhmm... Then why would you be embarrased to ask her out? >_>.

How old are you anyway? 10? Personally, I wouldn't worry about any of that stuff for quite a while. ;D.
philip said:
First of all, I am kind of her friend, and do kinda talk to her. Second, im only in 5th and we don't have any classes together so we cant really talk. Also, already I told my friends that I like her. My best friend said that we would go good together.
Girl problems in the 5th grade eh?
Sounds pretty rough. You've got a long road ahead of ya and you're starting this all a tad early, trust me. All that I cared about at your age was school and my toys. haha I was more into building stuff than talking to girls, heck I didn't even have any interest in them.

I seriously think you should just keep her as a friend, because here's the thing, most girls you like, you'll screw up with, and they'll never want to be your friend or you'll just grow apart no matter what you do.

Keep people you treasure as friends. And if something more than friends comes after you've been friends for a long time, it'll be more special than anything you can imagine.

Please keep those words in mind. Always.
one of my friends asked her for me and he told me that she does kinda like me but mostly as a friend and not really LIKE ME LIKE ME