Pokemon (20)
4-3-4 Samurott (Ability)
3-3 Electrode Prime
3 Manaphy UL
Trainers/Supporters (23)
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Rare Candy
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Junk Arm
1 Flower Shop Lady
Energies (17)
17 Water
Deck Total: 60
How this deck works is you tank with Samurott (Ability) while you use Electrode Prime's Poke-Power Energymite to KO itself to reveal Water Energies and attach them to Samurott for it's attack Hydro Pump which does 70 damage plus 10 more for each Water energy attached to Samurott thus in one turn boosting it's attack to possibly to 100+ given you reveal a sufficient amount of energies.
By KO'ing Electrode Prime, that works well in conjunction with Twins to where you have more prizes than your Opponent in which you can get any 2 cards from your deck at your leisure. Seeker helps incase Samurott is about to get KO'ed and with PONT you can shuffle those energies right back into your deck, it's amazing really. Manaphy is supposed to be my Starter in this deck and help my fix my hands when needed.
Once this deck gets going it's amazing, this is arguably one of the best Rogue decks I've heard from recently for HGSS-On though granted it does lose to ZPS it can still hold it's own against TyRam and other Reshiram variants yet in terms of Types it has a disadvantage against Magnezone but not to worry, Catcher is there to fix that (sort of).
I'm not sure whose idea of this deck was at first I know people were also talking about it on PokeBeach as well so whoever invented the deck first I give credit to. I've changed my decklist to where it's got more of a competitive edge to it. Any advice, comments, suggestions are greatly appreciated thanks! Still need to get the cards for this deck as I only have 1 Electrode Prime on me right now.
4-3-4 Samurott (Ability)
3-3 Electrode Prime
3 Manaphy UL
Trainers/Supporters (23)
4 Twins
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Rare Candy
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Junk Arm
1 Flower Shop Lady
Energies (17)
17 Water
Deck Total: 60
How this deck works is you tank with Samurott (Ability) while you use Electrode Prime's Poke-Power Energymite to KO itself to reveal Water Energies and attach them to Samurott for it's attack Hydro Pump which does 70 damage plus 10 more for each Water energy attached to Samurott thus in one turn boosting it's attack to possibly to 100+ given you reveal a sufficient amount of energies.
By KO'ing Electrode Prime, that works well in conjunction with Twins to where you have more prizes than your Opponent in which you can get any 2 cards from your deck at your leisure. Seeker helps incase Samurott is about to get KO'ed and with PONT you can shuffle those energies right back into your deck, it's amazing really. Manaphy is supposed to be my Starter in this deck and help my fix my hands when needed.
Once this deck gets going it's amazing, this is arguably one of the best Rogue decks I've heard from recently for HGSS-On though granted it does lose to ZPS it can still hold it's own against TyRam and other Reshiram variants yet in terms of Types it has a disadvantage against Magnezone but not to worry, Catcher is there to fix that (sort of).
I'm not sure whose idea of this deck was at first I know people were also talking about it on PokeBeach as well so whoever invented the deck first I give credit to. I've changed my decklist to where it's got more of a competitive edge to it. Any advice, comments, suggestions are greatly appreciated thanks! Still need to get the cards for this deck as I only have 1 Electrode Prime on me right now.