Sapishly's Sprite Services! (color switches, revamps, pokeballs)

Wouldn't mind 2 Raikou Pokeballs. 1 normal version and 1 shiny version please.

I will think about Colour Switches for a Raikou too later and will post back then when i've made a decision.
Okay, here's some order fufillments,

Im thinking of adding a new sevice soon! yay!!
Can I get as pokeballs:
Venusaur, Blasty, Charizard, Meganium, Typhosion, Gatr, Secptile, Blaziken, Swampert & all of the Eeveelutions.
As a color switch:
Charizard....with Blue-Eyes White Dragon (YGO).
I dont exactly know what since I dont know what the colour changes look like, but can you do a Raikou colourswapped with each of these:

Raikou/Shiny Glalie
Raikou/Shiny Ho-oh

Lol, that's alot. But to make it easier (if that helps) I only want the Raikou in the other pokemon's colours, I dont care about the other pokemon. I hope the colourswaps arent too hard to do...
All of your requests will be filled before I leave.
(The yellow on Kyogre is the dot on Scizor's claws.)

We'll be leaving on a trip tomorrow and will come back on Tuesday. The shop will be closed until then. However, the new service will be released on next tuesday.
(Switches are somewhat difficult.)
I realized that im very busy today. I will have all requests by next wed.
YES I will get to all orders, Quilavaman. No more orders till next wed. please. 3 at a time!!!!!
RE:  Sapishly's Sprite Services! (color switches, revamps, pokeballs)

sapishly said:
All of your requests will be filled before I leave.
(The yellow on Kyogre is the dot on Scizor's claws.)

We'll be leaving on a trip tomorrow and will come back on Tuesday.  The shop will be closed until then.  However, the new service will be released on next tuesday.
(Switches are somewhat difficult.)
sorry im not exactly the most observant person in the observant persons group.
I want a chimeco ball and mudkip ball and this
Service: Change colour
Pokemon: Trapinch and grumpig, Electrabuzz and Salamance
RE:  Sapishly's Sprite Services! (color switches, revamps, pokeballs)

Light Venusaur said:
Can I get as pokeballs:
Venusaur, Blasty, Charizard, Meganium, Typhosion, Gatr, Secptile, Blaziken, Swampert & all of the Eeveelutions.
As a color switch:
Charizard....with Blue-Eyes White Dragon (YGO)....if u can't Shiny Mew will do
RE:  Sapishly's Sprite Services! (color switches, revamps, pokeballs)

sapishly said:
3 ONLY!!!! ONLY 3!!!!

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3!!!!
(all orders less will be completed).
1st set: Kanto (main) starters (Evo's plz)
2nd set: Johto (main) starters (Evo's plz)
3rd set: Hoenn (main) starters (Evo's plz)
4th set: Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolty
5th set: Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon
Can u do it like this?
(& Yes I can wait for them as well)
RE:  Sapishly's Sprite Services! (color switches, revamps, pokeballs)

armaldoEX said:
Meganium and Steelix please. colour change FTW~!

Hmm, mine was after LV.....So, get mine done after LV's....!