sarah palin

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Aspiring Trainer
sarah palin? big mess up or best chance for saving america? sarah palin butt ugly? or pretty? what do you think of her?
does not no anythibg is a total n00b when it comes to her foren polices so i think she is the worst chouse ever and you got that from a 11year old
i heard McCain chose her because he thought that people would vote for her cuz she was a woman. i used to want McCain/Palin but now that i saw how dumb him and her was... i want obama and biden
I kind of think experience trumps fresh and new, like Obama. I'm all for the McCain / Palin ticket, but I can't vote yet so it pretty much doesn't matter.
Fletcher said:
I kind of think experience trumps fresh and new, like Obama. I'm all for the McCain / Palin ticket, but I can't vote yet so it pretty much doesn't matter.

i second that message
NyJonesy26 said:
I heard somewhere that she crushed Joe Biden on the vice-presedential debate.

Well, a Republican is most likely going to say she did, and a Democrat is most likely to disagree with that.
Fletcher said:
NyJonesy26 said:
I heard somewhere that she crushed Joe Biden on the vice-presedential debate.

Well, a Republican is most likely going to say she did, and a Democrat is most likely to disagree with that.
Yeah, I guess it's hard to find unbiased political information.
Fletcher said:
I kind of think experience trumps fresh and new, like Obama. I'm all for the McCain / Palin ticket, but I can't vote yet so it pretty much doesn't matter.

I totally agree with you there, Obama has just had experience in the senate, where as Palin has actually had control of a large state. She will do well in a VP spot, and all though Biden has a lot of expierence, he is not going to be the president, he is not going to call the shots, Obama is, and all though he may consult him, its not his decision.

Besides, Palin can see Russia from her house :p I kid I kid (and if you have no idea what I'm talking about, it was a Saturday Night Live skit)
She is really messed up seriously. In the debated the other night she kept changing things and spinning things around. She does not have the experience to run. It will be more of the same of what is happening now. She is not worth the votes. If anyone votes for her at all it will be for her good looks. That's it. She is not smart enough to run our country.:)
....but she wouldn't be the one running the country anyway. That would be the position McCain is trying to get.
Lmao.. a lot of you people have no clue what your talking about. your not voting for palin your voting for McCain. you think palin don't have experience to run? she isnt running for Fu** sake. Shes a VP not presdent. and Obama is so smart he is the one who thinks theres 57 states -_-.
John McCain took a HUGE gamble with Sarah Palin. Unlike Obama, who chose Biden, you has a lot of experience in politics

It's one of the many reasons f I go vote, I'd vote for Obama. Another reason, is it's about time we had an African-American President...
xxashxx said:
She is really messed up seriously. In the debated the other night she kept changing things and spinning things around. She does not have the experience to run. It will be more of the same of what is happening now. She is not worth the votes. If anyone votes for her at all it will be for her good looks. That's it. She is not smart enough to run our country.:)

And Obama does?

Sweet Dawn said:
John McCain took a HUGE gamble with Sarah Palin. Unlike Obama, who chose Biden, you has a lot of experience in politics

It's one of the many reasons f I go vote, I'd vote for Obama. Another reason, is it's about time we had an African-American President...

But since people are voting for McCain or Obama, not the VPs, he has the experience. Not Obama. Remember that the VP isn't in control, they can like only make suggestions.
Obama is younger meaning he can stay longer in office. But McCain (who's 72), you don't know how long McCain can stay healthy in office
It would be terrible if mcain died on the job, Then Palin would take over and we would all be doomed. Not to mention having to learn creationism in school.
Sweet Dawn said:
Obama is younger meaning he can stay longer in office. But McCain (who's 72), you don't know how long McCain can stay healthy in office

That's a pretty dumb reason to vote for Obama. You'd rather vote for a young, new guy with basically no experience at all, over an older guy who has the necessary experience to be the president?
Sweet Dawn said:
But what would happen if McCain died in office? How would Palin fare as President?

She would probably be further along than Obama would be, experience wise. And if Obama dies, you have a 65 year old taking office. That's old, right? If not, what age do you consider old?
Sweet Dawn said:
But what would happen if McCain died in office? How would Palin fare as President?

Well if you want to go all statistic on me, John McCain is 72, the average death age is 76.3 or something like that. So he "has four more years until he is pushing it" now he is healthy, it would be awful if he died in office, however thats not what we need to look at, its not a real threat and it has nothing to do with politics. He probobly won't be re-elected if he becomes president.

You know, Barrack Obama has a serious threat to. A lot of people are really predjudice against African Americans, and he would have a greater chance of assasination, that would be awful, and I hope our secret service could protect him in office, but its still a threat, as it is with every president.
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