sarah palin

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NyJonesy26 said:
MichaelRocks2 said:
If they do why still have a abortion? EVER* heard of adoption?

Yes, I have, I'm not stupid. Maybe they don't want to go through the h*ll of carrying the baby if they never wanted it in the first place. It's possible that we could start a topic on this particular issue, but that wouldn't really go anywhere.

So just go ahead and kill it? i guess thats all right if you just want it just kill the baby and all your probs are gone.
MichaelRocks2 said:
NyJonesy26 said:
MichaelRocks2 said:
If they do why still have a abortion? EVER* heard of adoption?

Yes, I have, I'm not stupid. Maybe they don't want to go through the h*ll of carrying the baby if they never wanted it in the first place. It's possible that we could start a topic on this particular issue, but that wouldn't really go anywhere.

So just go ahead and kill it? I guess thats all right if you just want it just kill the baby and all your probs are gone.

You would force someone who got Stolen to give birth to the rapist's baby because YOU don't think it's right for them to have a choice?
Mc Cain and Palin both will drive this country into the ground. They will say anything to get into office and make Obama look bad. Vote for Obama. He is the only one that can get us out of the hole right now. Most of you guys can't see what is going to happen if Mc Cain and Palin get in. I can already tell that this will be an easy win for Obama.:)
NyJonesy26 said:
MichaelRocks2 said:
NyJonesy26 said:
MichaelRocks2 said:
If they do why still have a abortion? EVER* heard of adoption?

Yes, I have, I'm not stupid. Maybe they don't want to go through the h*ll of carrying the baby if they never wanted it in the first place. It's possible that we could start a topic on this particular issue, but that wouldn't really go anywhere.

So just go ahead and kill it? I guess thats all right if you just want it just kill the baby and all your probs are gone.

You would force someone who got Stolen to give birth to the rapist's baby because YOU don't think it's right for them to have a choice?

No they shouldnt have a choice. the baby dosnt have a choice. the baby could be a freaking guy or girl who cures aids nobody knows. if they got Stolen they should have the baby a lot of single mothers keep them if they get Stolen BECAUSE Its wrong to kill them off.
Babies aren't even alive at the point of adoption, their brain has barely even formed at that point, it won't work, there's no certainty that it will work, it's not connected to anything, the "baby" is not human at that point, just an object... Unlike the so many soldiers who die in a pointless war which could've ended ages ago, or the criminals who are not given a second chance. Unlike the so many people who are forced to live in poverty because "social security" looks a little bit like communism, making it demoniacally evil. Unlike the so many innocent Iraqis who've lost everything because of some president's quest for oil. Because that's also what you're voting for when voting Republican.

Also, abortion isn't just "oh, a baby, I don't like babies, let's kill it". You need a good reason, and there are a lot of good reasons:
Accident (ripped condom, the pill for whatever reason not working)
Not being decently educated about the subject, a baby would only increase the misery of an already miserable life.
Studies + Babies don't mix, pregnancy increase the amount of hormones and also means you will have to leave school for at least a week, this is a disaster when you're in university, and as I hope you all know, university also costs A LOT of money.
The father suddenly leaves.
Death of the mother upon birth.
The baby is diagnosed to not live long or it'll have an incurable and terminal disease, nobody will adopt it, and you're left with something you can't possibly raise because you don't have the money, lack of social security means you will not be able to raise it, at all. So instead of "killing" something which wouldn't live long anyways, you've suddenly ruined another life with it (this is the case with most of the examples anyways).

Seriously, growing a baby just to give it up for adoption isn't easy, the hormones, the effects on your body, the social prejudice, it isn't easy. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to kill a baby for fun, abortion isn't just something you do, it's something you need to do. Of course it's not always justified (in which case it shouldn't be done), but even if the system's abused, it's better to aid those who actually need it and have some people abusing it than to just ignore those who need it.

The fight against abortion also means the stemcell research is barely advancing, this stuff could save lives, cure so many diseases and lengthen the life of so many humans, especially people like you and me, who are still young.

All you pro-life should start considering the life of those who already live for once. Killing babies is wrong, ruining the life of others and the unborn baby just because you think something should start living is even more wrong.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Babies aren't even alive at the point of adoption, their brain has barely even formed at that point, it won't work, there's no certainty that it will work, it's not connected to anything, the "baby" is not human at that point, just an object...

Yes but when a baby is alive at this stage whether or not in can be compared to as "an object" it is the soul in the body. Whether your Christian, Jewish, Muslim whatever, I believe in most major religions (im not 100 percent sure on this but I know its murder in Christian terms and I believe that would be the case in Jewish and Muslim religions as well) It is the death of a soul and is "equal" to any sort of murder at any age.

Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Also, abortion isn't just "oh, a baby, I don't like babies, let's kill it". You need a good reason, and there are a lot of good reasons:
Accident (ripped condom, the pill for whatever reason not working)
Not being decently educated about the subject a baby would only increase the misery of an already miserable life.
Studies + Babies don't mix, pregnancy increase the amount of hormones and also means you will have to leave school for at least a week, this is a disaster when you're in university, and as I hope you all know, university also costs A LOT of money.
The father suddenly leaves.
Death of the mother upon birth.
The baby is diagnosed to not live long or it'll have an incurable and terminal disease, nobody will adopt it, and you're left with something you can't possibly raise because you don't have the money, lack of social security means you will not be able to raise it, at all. So instead of "killing" something which wouldn't live long anyways, you've suddenly ruined another life with it (this is the case with most of the examples anyways).

Seriously, growing a baby just to give it up for adoption isn't easy, the hormones, the effects on your body, the social prejudice, it isn't easy. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to kill a baby for fun, abortion isn't just something you do, it's something you need to do. Of course it's not always justified (in which case it shouldn't be done), but even if the system's abused, it's better to aid those who actually need it and have some people abusing it than to just ignore those who need it.

As awful as un-planned pregnancys are it is really know excuse. Yes I can imagine being pregnant in high school/college is really emotionally racking but this was a consequence when you decided to have sex. You know you might get pregnant, you might get STDs, all of these risks are there, and being un educated is really no excuse, the majority of public (and private) schools have some sort of Sex Education class. I also highly doubt that if you didn't have a sex ed class that someone would not know these things the way they are being constantly thrown around in the media. Now I understand there are some cases where ignorance is present but still, abortion is not the answer.

You are right, it is not easy to produce a human being inside you. Abortion is an easier way out then actually giving birth. However what is right is not always easy. Was it easy for the allies to invade Nazi Germany? No, it was very hard and painful. They could have just said, ehh, we're not all Jewish, I guess its the Jews problem now, so what if we get invaded, they won't kill all of us.

The only way I see a plausible reason for abortion is if that the Mother's life is really in danger, and hospitals should have that sort of equipment for those certain EMERGENCIES!
Moneyking63 said:
As awful as un-planned pregnancys are it is really know excuse. Yes I can imagine being pregnant in high school/college is really emotionally racking but this was a consequence when you decided to have sex. You know you might get pregnant, you might get STDs, all of these risks are there, and being un educated is really no excuse, the majority of public (and private) schools have some sort of Sex Education class. I also highly doubt that if you didn't have a sex ed class that someone would not know these things the way they are being constantly thrown around in the media. Now I understand there are some cases where ignorance is present but still, abortion is not the answer.

The last time I checked, the frontal lobes of high school/early college students are not fully developed. This area of the brain controls planning and judgment, so you can't just assume that two people 'decided' to have sex because stuff like that usually happens in the heat of the moment.

And what Heavenly Spoon meant by being uneducated was exactly what you said above. Why can you just assume that everyone knows about STDs and other risks? I'd say that at least they have a basic awareness of those types of things, but otherwise I'm sure a lot of people at that age still have some confusion about how STDs are contracted. If people did know about the risks of STDs, etc., then don't you think there would be a decrease in STDs over the past years, rather than an increase?
Yes, you can get STD's from sex. But, it's the choice of the couple to have sex in the first place
Sweet Dawn said:
Yes, you can get STD's from sex. But, it's the choice of the couple to have sex in the first place

That's exactly what I am saying!

Ok the planning ability of a high school student may not be the same as a 40 year old but they have to have the ability to have some maturity and be able to think for themselves. Whether it is in the heat of the moment or not something should run through their head saying "do i really want to do this" naturaly when you are in that heat of the moment it is a quick yes, however if they use their brain a tiny bit more think about condom rips or STDs whatever then they're would be a lot less abortions in this world.
Sweet Dawn said:
But, still you can't stop people from having sex in the first place...

No you're right, sex is going to happen no matter what. However if people take the extra precautions (condom, birth control, both, whatever) the safer the better. However if something does go wrong they should accept the responsibilites for their actions, I'm not saying they have to keep the baby, just give it up for adoption. It may be horribly akward and embarresing to go through school with it but, it is much better then killing an un born child within you. In fact a lot of women face much more pain and hardship getting an abortion, emotionally I mean. did this become an abortion topic? Seems like the thread's topic has really entered all of your minds.
I applaud everyone in this thread for going ridiculously off-topic. I loled

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