Saturday, 2/16, POP 7 Coming Soon

Why are you guys just now going to Hearthome City? Is there a mistake in the information or are the europeans going faster than americans? I've already reported Hearthome City and next we have Canalave City. :/
Well, if you didnt know, we had 38 Cards cut from GE. There is a possibility that Garchomp LV.X will be included in POP7. But, most likely, no. I still think that we're gonna get Blissey in POP7. Together with some cards that we've already seen. Trust me, this is going to be just like POP6. A darn, Blunder.
Ka'Mewie:- said:
Well, if you didnt know, we had 38 Cards cut from GE. There is a possibility that Garchomp LV.X will be included in POP7. But, most likely, no. I still think that we're gonna get Blissey in POP7. Together with some cards that we've already seen. Trust me, this is going to be just like POP6. A darn, Blunder.

Yes I am hope there is Garchomp Lv.X in Pop 7! It could maybe be like a super rare card like Espeon *,Umbreon*,and Mew {d} were! I also hope we get Blissey! Also I really think that we may end up getting a Garchomp in Pop 7! Who knows?
POP Series 7, unknowing what is in it, will be amazing. Look forward to collecting and playing those cards.

Hearthome City will also be amazing. The Relic badge will be up for the challenge. The season begins 3/8 and lasts through 4/12 in the United States.

Ka'Mewie:- said:
Well, if you didnt know, we had 38 Cards cut from GE. There is a possibility that Garchomp LV.X will be included in POP7. But, most likely, no. I still think that we're gonna get Blissey in POP7. Together with some cards that we've already seen. Trust me, this is going to be just like POP6. A darn, Blunder.

Level ups of Garchomp, Glaceon and Leafeon will eventually make it over to North America. Eight level ups are in Japan's DP5. This makes 11 candidates to be in the next set or two. We're still waiting for Kadabra.
BoDragon said:
Hearthome City will also be amazing. The Relic badge will be up for the challenge. The season begins 3/8 and lasts through 4/12 in the United States.

So you are behind in seasons? I wonder what we in europe will have when the seasons end here :/
+We are (as normal) going to get POP7 way later than in US so we will have less time to try to get points for the boosters... Man, I'm starting to hate the system again X( (But I'll get over it soon. There's nothing to be done about it. I'm happy that we'll get POP7 at all :) It can just be a bit late)

I think there will be a lv.X (or two) in POP7. After the POP6 total flop and people starting to loose interest in league because of it, they just have to recover somehow.
Woah, Hearthrome City is on the rise. Sounds cool, Psychic energy and the Relic Badge. :]

I'm not expecting much from POP 7, but it might suprise us. Compared to POP 6, there isn't much to hope for, but I've got a special place in my heart for a certain Lv.X. We'll soon see this week.

dmaster out.
Ya, the amount of reprints in 6 were really upsetting. Seeing some Lv Xs would make pack opening much more interesting. :D
yeah after awhile I stopped opening my packs (Pop6) and just set them aside, I had obtained the cards I wanted and had no need for them anymore.
If it is they better have better cards than Pacharisu (DP) and Mantyne (DP), and at least throw in some decent trainers like was done in Pop5 (IMO the best pop set released so far)
I think anything will be better than what POP6 had to offer. I sure hope Garchomp Lvl. X is there, or, barring that, the Dialga, Palkia, and Darkrai with held items.

Say, when are the POP7 scans gonna come out? I can hardly wait....