Saturday, 8/19, Worlds + Mysterious Dungeon


Huhu...Ice_Brakerz is still lasting! MY rules 10&Under...GO MALAYSIA!
i just want to sse the iamges dont forget wpm the images.
I was in line to play the Japanese Nat'l Champ, but they closed up the Main Gaming room @ 8pm sharp. Yamato and the Japanese Champ where offering games and Legend Maker and POP4 Packs to those who waited in line to play them. I'll try again tomorrow.

Hawaii 2007 Worlds.
Aw man I don't have the cash or I would preo order a copy just to get the plushie and then give the game a try and see how it is.:)

EDIT I hope you get the news for those cards and the reasons why because it is a bummer that they are left out and they could have good attacks and HP now and I don't know the closest toys r us where I live so I probobly wont get mew. Oh well.:)

EDIE#2 Thecards are awesome and WPM didn't your didgital camera come with digital imaging so you could touch up your photos? ours did and the ones that do come in clear come in clearer after we touched them up.:)
The first maltese that went to play in worlds!! no not me :( Ivan Grixti unfortunately he didn't make it to 9th round.
WPM find out about the next set thats coming out and find out if we are getting the diamond and pearl set before the games bc other wise we will go with out a set for a long time
abra and kadabra??? they aren't cards??? but wherent there cards beafore??? like sabrina the gym leader's deck??? they do have alakazam, but it does not need to evolve...weird
Kyoquadon said:
erm, maybe because of a(bra) and kada(bra)?
Seriously doubt it.

Based on the way WPM got a reply, it seems it is that Yuri chap's fault after all. I'd always figured it might've been because something happened with regards to Abra and Kadabra that they decided not to make cards of them out of respect (someone got in an accident and their favourite Pokemon had been Kadabra... something along those lines). The problem with the Geller thing is they could just have Kadabra's card art have him standing on a side or in a dark area so they could shadow out the symbols that Geller had such a problem with.

Wierd to say the least, anyways.

And MEW. <3
Two bucks for cheese? Is that like, the price of cheese in Cali now? And I wanted to move there...

The solution is clear: assassinate Geller *sends in Scyther* XP

Try to get as many pictures of people as you can, like all these Japanese big-shots and such.

<envy> It's your duty since Worlds was so close to you *nodnod* +____+ </envy>
Hmmm. That's wierd. Alakazam wasn't in an EX set either, until CG, and it's in Shining form, and is a BASIC pokemon...