Saturday, 9/29, Kricketune Card Review, Shinx DP15 promo

yeah you can get a modest manaphy!
well im going to get the trainer kit cause i want the shinx!
You can get a shiny this way, too, right?

Thanks for the heads up on the Trainer Set, now I won't be stuck with 2 Trainer Kits.

And be sure to leave comments about Kricketune ;)
That card is cool and I hope I will get this card some times soon. Spark sure has a low damage ratio though.:)
Red5bv06 said:
You can get a shiny this way, too, right?

Thanks for the heads up on the Trainer Set, now I won't be stuck with 2 Trainer Kits.

And be sure to leave comments about Kricketune ;)
I guess you could... if you reset for hours, maybe.
The artwork on Shinx looks very cool. I was planning on getting a trainer kit anyway, so that almost makes the deal better.
And another great review by the new strategists, with a brilliant overview of the card. More HP and it would definately be better.
I missed the Manaphy event, i forgot about it and remembered at 3 30, 30 minutes AFTER the event ended -.-

As far as Krickitune, im not particulary a fan of him, although his scythes are cool :F The artwork on Shinx also looks very cool. Im probably going to get that trainer set, if i can get my hands on it. it seems a lot of people want it :/
How can the Empoleon matchup be 50 - 50? Prinplup uses Aqua Shower, goes Ko and then the Empoleon's can Ko the others in a single hit. It is near to autoloss.
It was going fine until I read 3 Old Rod.

I don't know if that's what the new craze is in the deck, but I wouldn't think that would ever help, since it's basically a dead card most of the time.

Arcanine out.
Man, I wish I'd read this earlier. I already saved after getting Manaphy thinking I couldnt get a different one.:(
What! New DP Promo! Blah! I still havent gotten the 3 Lv. X's or the 2 dino's....::sigh::
Great... I figured since I couldn't change the nature and I was happy with the stats to begin with, I'd leave it at that. Now I find out I had the opportunity to change it's nature? Oh well, it's too late now. =P
Me too if I had only saw that thing about changing the nature earlier. I got a Quirky and a something else-natured Manaphy yesterday. Better job on Kricketune but too bad they didn't to get all they're individual reviews in. Shinx looks good with its holo-great-artwork.

dmaster out.
Kriketune is quite good, but if you have a garchomp and has a fire energy, you got to say bb to kricketune.
How do i put pokemon pics for the part where there put hp and all those

Help, i really need to know how

All those picks on top of those hp stats
I think no one just understood that D_E. Say it more clearly please.

Anyway, Im glad to see that this Strategist Program is working and I hope it wont go on a hiatus again. Keep it up Strats.
1.ARRI I hear you i am still missing the dinos and there up to 15
2.I tought the review thing was going to suck but the reviewers were right on the money for the kricket (6/10)..... good job
they said the shinx came out in a trainer set. I'm asking if it's in stores now. What's hard to understand about that. o-o;