Saviour_Gundam said:yoh -Nothing I need sorry
dusk - I liked:
1-magnazone Lv.x
1-porygon z Lv.x
1-azelf Lv.x
1-leafeon Lv.x
Are they all in JPN?
smacktack - So... I'm assuming No theN/
Light Venusaur - I gotta post what YOU want? Sounds like work
Mr. Sally - Only thing I see is Dialga X
Saviour_Gundam said:dusk - not sure about Azelf...
PacMac - The four DRE for the sleeves and the infernape?
Sally - nothing I really need sorry
Saviour_Gundam said:chan- Hmmm what set is Lucario Lv. X?
penguin - Sure, PM addy and refs please