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Saviour 's Topic - Trading Haves! Just Need Giratina X, Shaymin X and Promos

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RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Blast... I need Magmoartar to finish MT... buuuut, I might need Uxie...

CURSES! I need to pass -_-
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Keyword, MIGHT need Uxie. MIGHT.

Lol let me know if you change your mind. I have a Mag sitting in my binder, just chillin.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

CML for Uxie LvX. I have some of your wants and the rest I can pay.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

CML for Uxie Lv. X please.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Have: Gliscor Lv.x, Mag x, and 3 Bucks training.

Need: Uxie Lv.x, Palkia Deckbox

LMK Thanx =D
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

I have maggy X and a bunch of promo's. I want leafy x. CML for more.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

I have the 3 promo legendary birds, Ludicolo promo and cash.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

ESP - All I want is your 3 Buck's Training

Pandamore - I don't need Gliscor anymore, please make an offer

Julia - Leafeon is pending, but make an offer

Muddy - Offer then?
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Mag x and 3 Bucks for the Deckbox and Uxie x? LMK or counter.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

No, sorry that's too much on my end I can offer the deck box for Magmortar
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Magmortar Lv. X

Uxie Lv. X

RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

- Uxie Lv. X (LA)
- Glaceon Lv. X (JPN, DP4)

For my:
- Time Space Distortion (MT)
- Buck's Training (LA) x1
DP27 - Palkia

Let me know or counter-offer. Also, could you point me at your ref thread? Can't seem to find it.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Woah thats WAAAAAY too much on my end, I can do Glaceon for the TSD, Uxie is pending atm anyway
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Saviour_Gundam said:
Woah thats WAAAAAY too much on my end, I can do Glaceon for the TSD, Uxie is pending atm anyway

I'd have to agree. WAAAAAY too much on my end. Jpn glaceon is worth $10, TSD is worth $30. Thats not even close to being fair.
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Articuno ex
Moltres ex
Zapdos ex
for your
Uxie LvX
RE: Saviour 's Topic - Epic Return to trading! Want PROMOS! 1/15/09

Do you have any of these?
x4 RH Pokedex
x4 RH Unown R
x3 RH Machamp SF
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