DPPt/HGSS Savvy wants to trade!


Aspiring Trainer
Savvy has:
4 Shinxs 3 female, 1 male, level one that all know Thunder Fang
6 Eevees 1 female, 5 males level one that know starter moves
3 Buizels 2 females, 1 male level one that know Brine, Blizzard, and Surf
3 Abras 3 females, that know Shock wave
3 Skorupis 2 females, 1 male that know dig, rock tomb, aerial ace, and shadow ball
1 female turtwig that knows cut, tackle, and rock smash

savvy wants:
Cranidos ( male, nickname like with one capital letter at beginning and all others lower-case example: Chomper) actually, nicknames for all the pokemon...
Jolteon (male)
Vaporeon (female)
Flareon (female)
Leafeon (female)
Glaceon (male)
Shieldon (male)
Cleffa (female)
Chatot (male)
Pichu (male)
riolu (male)

I want any level... it doesn't matter
#1weavile said:
Sorry savvy this is the wrong place :(

This area is for trading pokemon cards not pokemon.

Ohz, sorry! Hay, where do you go then, for DS trades?
You guys, leave the moderating to the moderators.