Sazando's Super 'ssasins


Where all other dragons fail...
Sazando's Super 'ssasins
Okay, recently I have been in a slump. The last team I built that was actually, well... good, was my rain dance team, which kicked every butt that came across it. Now, I guess I've come out of the slump, because this team has so far had a 9-1 win ratio, half being ragequits before I could reveal more than three pokes. I think that is enough to be allowed to post an RMT on it, so... here it is! 
Team Building: 
I was reading around some RMT's on Smogon, in the archives, when I came upon the concepts of lures. I thought, "Hey, that's easy enough." I decided to start with a DDTar-based core.
What was Tyranitar's problems? Choiced Fighting moves were a pain, and bulky grounds and Skarmory were a pain. What was able to counter all of that, Balloon Chandelure!
(Tyranitar) (Chandelure)
Now I needed a lure. Something that could bring in Tyranitar's weaknesses, but be able to pull off a win if Chandelure took an early KO. What worked well in that spot? Why an old friend of mine, Heatran.
(Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran)
These pokemon worked fine and all, but I noticed a huge Water and Ground weakness. I decided to add a little hell to my team and bring out another one of my favorites, Harvest Eggy!
(Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran) (Exeggutor)
I still wasn't satified with my water weaknsses, due to a little thing called Kabutops. So I added yet another one of my favorite sets BU Encore Poliwrath!
(Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran) (Exeggutor) (Poliwrath)
I now needed a nice annoying poke to wrap my team up, one that could force a good amount of ragequits. What poke can do that, why my favorite Jirachi set!
(Jirachi) (Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran) (Exeggutor) (Poliwrath)
Now before testing, I had to evaluate my weaknesses, and noticed the ground weakness was popping up again. I decided to replace Poliwrath with Gyarados to lessen the damage.
(Jirachi) (Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran) (Exeggutor) (Gyarados)
Gyarados wasn't really holding its weight, so I decided to change it to a poke that had a liitle extra punch.
(Jirachi) (Tyranitar) (Chandelure) (Heatran) (Exeggutor) (Cloyster)

Now to the team:

Jirachi@ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
Nature: Jolly
-Iron Head
-Thunder Wave
Main comments: Think of all of the things that have ever made you rage-quit. Flinch hac, parahax, instant recovery after you worked so hard to wear something down, and your good wall being tricked with a Choice Scarf when you try to Toxic. Then think of all of that on a pathetic looking fairy thing, and imagine it being the first thing you see in a battle. Meet Jirachi.
Moveset comments: This set is basically when I combined all of the annoying things that Jirachi could do, and put it in one set. We all know the paraflinch combo, Jirachi's signature set. That in itself is extremely annoying. Then there's more. Depending on the lead, I will usually Trick, incapitating anything wanting to set up. For example, with a scarf, it outspeeds Aerodactyl leads who immediatly Taunt... after getting a Scarf. Wish is for my other pokes who don't have instant recovery, and for Jiracji too.
EV and Nature comments: Thruthfully, these EVs aren't mine. I got them from Smogon, and I am completely open to changes. 168 HP provides okay overall bulk. 166 attack lets me hot harder with Iron Head. 174 speed lets me outspeed a lot of things, especially with a scarf.
Item: Choice Scarf fits with Jirachi for a variety of reasons. First, it allows me to trick it to some unsuspecting wall. It also lets Jirachi outspeed and hax with Iron Head.
Counters: Most ground types can counter Jirachi unless they have been past Heatran, letting Jirachi Trick and stall. Chandelure also counters, but can be defeated with a smart plan.

Heatran@ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature: Calm
EVs: 248HP/128Def./132Sp.Def.
-Lava Plume
Main comments: What was that about Lati@s being overpowered? Heatran is the ultimate counter to half of the metagame. To name a few, there is Scizor, the Lati twins, Scarf Hydregion, Gengar, Abomasnow, Forretress, Skarmory, the list goes on. Any choiced poke is instantly destroyed by Heatran, and does an amazing job of bringing in Tyranitar's counters, leading them to their death.
Moveset comments: This set is based on the idea that no pokemon in the metagame has two moves that can break Heatran's sub, and so far, that is sadly accurate. Heatran is what you could call my momentum pokemon. I have picked up bad games, 6-0'ing a lot of teams. Torment is to keep choice pokes at bay. It also allows me to easily stall most opponents with Substitute and Protect. Lava Plume is my only attacking move, getting a surprising amount of burns.
EV and Nature comments: I also got these EV's from Smogon, but from a different place. But it was me that got the idea to combine the two. These EVs provide Heatran with awesome special bulk. It can survive things like +6 Jirachi's Thunderbolt. 248 HP provides nice bulk in both areas. 128 defense provides decent physical bull while 132 special defense and Calm nature provide excellent special bulk.
Item: What can I really say? Leftovers is the main item for walls, and allows me to sub more often.
Counters: Anything with more than two moves that can KO Heatran are problems, but can be wiped out by Chandelure.

Tyranitar@ Lum Berry
Ability: Sand Stream
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56HP/252Att./200Spe.
-Dragon Dance
-Rock Slide
-Fire Punch/Crunch
Main comments: Tyranitar is my main sweeper. It is what my lure core is based off of. With awesome survivability, huge power, and just plain awesomness, Tyranitar has won me a lot of games. Its synergy with Chandelure and Tyranitar might be... lacking, but they work well together anyway.
Moveset comments: This set might be one of the most simple on my team. It is basically your standard DDTar with Rock Slide over Stone Edge. I like this for better accuracy, and the surprising flinch rate. Earthquake has nice coverage with Rock Slide. Dragon Dance is my boosting move, letting Tyanitar get pretty fast and powerful. I am currently using Fire Punch, but Crunch is sometimes nice for Reniclus.
EV and Nature comments: These EVs really came from the top of my head, so they aren't as proffesional and well tested as many of my others. It's pretty basic, max attack for good hitting power, combined with Adamant for even more punch. 200 speed is almost max speed, letting me leave 56 for HP.
Item: Lets face it, Tyranitar is the biggest status magnet in the history of pokemon, atleast from my experiences. Lum Berry helps Tyranitar out with that problem.
Counters: Ever heard of fighting types. Yeah, they counter Tyranitar very well.

Chandelure@ Air Balloon
Ability: Shadow Tag
Nature: Modest
EVs: 252Sp.Att./200Spe./56 HP
-Energy Ball
-Shadow Ball
-HP Fighting
Main comments: Chandelure basically is my revenge killer. It kills what Tyranitar and Heatran have problems with. Its huge special attack allows it to OHKO most things not named Blissey. It works also as my back-up sweeper if Tyranitar gets unexpectedly gets killed by a random Mach Punch or such.
Moveset comments: This is my second simple set, and it needs even less description than the last one. Flamethower is my main STAB, KO'ing almost anything that doesn't resist. Energy Ball hits the grounds and waters who Tyranitar and Heatran hate. Shadow Ball also is a powerful STAB for hitting other ghosts and physics. HP Fighting provides good coverage with that.
EV and Nature comments: (see Tyranitar)
Item: The Air Balloon lets Chandelure switch into stuff like Eartquake and KO baxk with whatever move I feel like using.
Counters: Most Pursuit users, especially Tyranitar, counter Chandelure quite effectivly.

Exeggutor@ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
Nature: Bold
EVs: 252HP/100Def./156Sp.Def. 
-Leech Seed
-Giga Drain
-HP Fire/HP Ice
Main comments: When I first noticed that I had a ground weakness, I immediatly brought in Exeggutor. Why?First, I have used it before and liked its stallish qualities. Second, it works well with Heatran. Last, Harvest, Exeggutor's new ability. Unlimited berries, enough said.
Moveset comments: This set is awesome! Rest with Harvest provides me with instant recovery whenever I need it. Leech Seed lets me get Leftovers recovery and secondary damage. Giga Drain restores even more HP, while providing a decently powered STAB. I am currently running HP Fire, but I am starting to feel dragons and Gliscor are more worth my fourth move. off any damage.
EV and Nature comments: These are a few more of the EVs that came from the top of head. Max HP for maximum bulkiness in both sides. 100 defense boosts Exeggutor's already decent HP. 156 special defense boosts Exeggutor's lackluster special defense to decent levels. Bold nature boosts defense further, but I am considering it to Calm for a higher special defense.
Item: Lum Berry is almost needed on this set. Actually, scratch the almost, it is needed. It allows Exeggutor to instantly restore HP with Rest, and still being able to Rest again. It also lets it switch into Toxic Spikes and come out unharmed. So to wrap it up, it increases Exeggutor's survivability at least 10x.
Counters: If it has a bug move, it counters Exeggutor.

Forretress@ Custap Berry
Ability: Sturdy
Nature: Sassy
EVs: 200HP/56Def./252Sp.Def.
-Rapid Spin
-Toxic Spikes
-Gyro Ball
Main comments: Forretress makes it on my team once again, after being suggested, and I came to my senses. Forretress is an awesome physical wall, and a good set-up pokemon. Its awesome typing lets it tank most hits, but be horribly killed by Chandelure. It never seems to fail to get its job done, and that is why I use it.
Moveset comments: I love this set. Because I made it. And it works. It is pretty simple. Spikes and Toxic Spikes are for granted, seeing that this is Forretress and it gets that. Rapid Spin is also obvious, seeing that that is what I was looking for in the first place. Then there is Gyro Ball. I decided to use this over anything else because of the huge amount of threats today that are fast and frail. For example, Haxorous and Hydregion. It also gets STAB, bringing the power up to 180 on a lot of pokes with really bad defenses.
EVs and Nature comments: These EVs aren't really professional, but they work anyway. 200 HP EVs let me have almost max HP, while leaving room for 56 defense EVs for extra physical bulk. To top it off, max special defense with a Sassy nature to boost Gyro Ball makes sure that Forry can survive a lot of hits. Along with Sturdy, it is nearly impossible to KO Forry in one turn.
Item:This is the main part of my Forretress set, the Custap Berry. This means, when Forretress gets under 25% HP, it always hit first, except for priority moves.This is very handy, due to the fact Forretress is one of the slowest pokemon that can compete in the metagame without being completely overrun. This means Forretress always gets two layers down of whatever I want, or a free hit on a fast pokemon.
Counters:I think this is quite self explanatory. Chandelure and Heatran are the main ones, but taunters also are a pain to deal with.
Approved. Just a suggestion, you might want to split some of the paragraphs for easier readability and possibly bold "Main Comments:" etc. which would also add readability.
I would switch Cloyster for:

Forretress @ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
0 Speed IVs (Gyro Ball)
-Stealth Rock/Payback
-Spikes/Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin
-Payback/Explosion/Gyro Ball/Earthquake/Whatever attacking move.

Provides some defense and spinning while also giving your team hazards which are great even for offensive teams. Be careful when you use Forretress as you do not want to lose offensive momentum.
I was actually thinking about using Forretress over Cloyster earlier, and I think I'll try it out.
...Excuse me, am I reading that right? Did you just say that Cloyster packs MORE of a Punch than Gyarados? That statement is false. By a lot.

Whatever you do, don't use Explosion or Payback on Cloyster. Both of them got totally nuked this generation.
If you're going to use Gyro Ball, why wouldn't you use a Relaxed nature to use maximum damage output? Either way, it still won't be that great, because it doesn't get a STAB boost like Bronzong or Ferrothorn do. Earthquake is wasted, in my opinion. Surf or Waterfall get STAB, and provide for much better coverage. They hit Fire types just as hard as EQ, but they both hit rocks, like Tyranitar, and Grounds like Hippowdon much harder.

Surf hits harder than Waterfall, so use Surf with a Bold nature rather than an Impish one. Hydro Pump is also an option as it hits for more damage. If you want, Icicle Spear with an impish Nature can also be used, since it will always hit 5 times with Skill Link. Ice Beam has STAB, and can be used also, if you want to surprise stuff like Zapdos or Toronurosu (or whatever the heck the Electric Genie's name is.) Again, if you use Ice Beam, use a Bold nature.
The electric ones english name is Thundurus and I agree with you PowerofThree. A special base set for Cloyster would be much better then what he is running know on it.
For Cloyster, I'd ditch rapid spin for Shell Blade. Your team isn't particular hazard weak, and hazards aren't as common in this generation. Shell blade can help with the steel and fire coverage.
The Power of Three said:
...Excuse me, am I reading that right? Did you just say that Cloyster packs MORE of a Punch than Gyarados? That statement is false. By a lot.

Whatever you do, don't use Explosion or Payback on Cloyster. Both of them got totally nuked this generation.
If you're going to use Gyro Ball, why wouldn't you use a Relaxed nature to use maximum damage output? Either way, it still won't be that great, because it doesn't get a STAB boost like Bronzong or Ferrothorn do. Earthquake is wasted, in my opinion. Surf or Waterfall get STAB, and provide for much better coverage. They hit Fire types just as hard as EQ, but they both hit rocks, like Tyranitar, and Grounds like Hippowdon much harder.

Surf hits harder than Waterfall, so use Surf with a Bold nature rather than an Impish one. Hydro Pump is also an option as it hits for more damage. If you want, Icicle Spear with an impish Nature can also be used, since it will always hit 5 times with Skill Link. Ice Beam has STAB, and can be used also, if you want to surprise stuff like Zapdos or Toronurosu (or whatever the heck the Electric Genie's name is.) Again, if you use Ice Beam, use a Bold nature.

He's factoring in Shell Break, in which Gyarados runs and hides from the sheer force that the almighty Cloyster unleashes.
Offensive Threats
 Aerodactyl - Luckily, Jirachi's EVs let me outspeeds it, and give it a scarf as it Taunts. CB. versions are destroyed by Iron Head.
 Archeops - (see Aerodactyl)
 Azelf - I am also able to outspeeds this, then Trick on the Taunt, and kill with Iron Head.
 Bisharp - I haven't seen many of those, but after Heatran Torments it, it's dead. 
Blaziken - I love Tricking a scarf onto this thing as it sets up a sub, then Chandelure kills it.
 Breloom - Another poke I love Tricking a scarf onto, especially Spore leads. If Jirachi us dead, Chandelure kills.
 Chandelure - Ever heard of Tyranitar?
 Cobalion - If Jeatran Torments it, it is gone. Chandelure revenge-kills.
 Conkeldurr - For leads, I Trick on the BU, or go to Chandelure, and hope to outspeed and KO it.
 Darmanitan - Choiced versions are most popular, and they love trying to Flare Blitz Jirachi. Heatran. 
Deoxys-S -Trick if it sets up, Iron Head if it Taunts.
 Dragonite - Multi-scale versions are annoying, but eventually are taken down with Jirachi's paraflinch.
 Druddigon - Are you kidding me. I just play with it, then kill with Jirachi.
 Eelektross - This can be killed by almost any of my pokes, excluding Jirachi and Forry.
 Electivire - See above
 Emboar - This gets annoying, until I bring out Chandelure.
 Empoleon - Luckily, it doesn't have much power, so Exeggutor can annoy it to the point of a rage quit.
Espeon - This one my whole team can kill.
 Escavalier - Chandelure and Heatran
 Excadrill - Chandelure, mabye Heatran if behind a sub.
Garchomp - Heatran deals with it surprisingly well... if I'm behind a sub.
Genesect - Seeing that it likes Flamethrowering my Jirachi, I love switching in Chandelure.
 Gengar - Jirachi can eaisily Trick on the sub/disable/etc. and TW if it didn't sub. The rest is self-explanitory.
 Golurk - Switch to Chandelure on the EQ and watch as it attempts to kill me, Shadow Ball for the kill.
 Gyarados - Gyrados can pretty eaisly be defeated by Tyranitar, Exeggutor also deals with it.
 Haxorus - I thought I was the haxer?! Anyways, Jirachi eats DD versions of this for breakfast.
 Heatran - Tyranitar, and ocassionaly Chandelure, depending on the version.
 Heracross - There's a little thing I own called Chandelure, it deals with Heracross very well. 
 Hydreigon - I love playing with almost any versions of this, especially choices. Heatran, Jirachi, Tyranitar. I can counter it.
Infernape- Trick it the scarf, see if it Fire Blasts, or sets up rocks.
Jirachi - My haxarachi beets others, but Heatran also does nice.
 Jolteon - Once upon a time there was a thing called Tyranitar. It killed Jolteon.
 Keldeo - I can Trick CM versions, and Exeggutor walls everything it throws at him.
 Kingdra - Tyranitar destroys the rain, and Jirachi tricks it any other time. 
 Krookodile - Outspeed with Jirachi, span Iron Head. If Heatran's already behind a sub, he can deal with it.
 Kyurem - Heatran bait.
 Landorus - I rarely see these, but Tyranitar with a few DD's can KO, or Heatran behind a sub.
Latios - More Heatran bait!
 Lilligant - Heatran all the way home.
 Lucario - Hooray for Chandelure.
 Machamp - More Chandelure.
 Magnezone - I'm getting tired of saying it but... Chandelure!
 Mamoswine - Chandelure... again!
Meloetta-S - Dear god, how many things can Chandelure counter.
Meloetta-V - More Chandelure.
 Metagross - Counting now, 6.
 Mienshao - 7
 Reuniclus - 8ish, but Heatran works too.
 Roserade - 9, can it make ten?
Salamence - Aww... Heatran counters this, but Hydro Pump/Earthquake versions need Exeggutor.
 Sawsbuck - Yay, 10, but Heatran also works.
 Scizor - 11 +Heatran.
 Scrafty- Finally, something Chandelure runs from, but Jirachi can Trick on the set up.
 Seismitoad - Chandelure can switch in on an EQ, and KO with Energy ball. Otherwise, Exeggutor.
 Serperior - This is walled by Heatran so bad it's funny.
Shaymin - Watch out, here's 12.
 Sigilyph - This one is hard, but Tyranitar can deal with it.
 Smeargle - Exeggutor, nuff said.
Starmie - Tormentran destroys Stamie. Torment, Substitute, Protect. Repeat. 
 Terakion - Iron Head on Jirachi can flich hax Terrakion to death.
 Thundurus - Tyranitar can kill as long as it has the Lum Berry.
 Togekiss - Jirachi, go!
 Tornadus - Really? Jirachi, Heatran, Tyranitar kill.
 Tyranitar - Jirachi. Trick, TW, Iron Head.
Venusaur - Heatran, and hooray, #13.
 Victini - 14, and Heatran works well too.
 Virizion - 15... sigh, and Heatran does well too.
 Volcarona - 16, and Heatran. Getting familiar.
 Weavile - Iron Head spam. Woot!
 Zoroark - It really depends wether or not they give it away. If they do, Jirachi does well. If not, I hope for the best.

Defensive Threats

 Alomomola - For the record, no one uses it. Exeggutor kills it though. Big time. 
 Blissey - Blissey's greatest enemy might me DD Lum Berry Tyranitar.
 Bronzong - Heatran, and... 17!
 Celebi - Heatran walls it bad. 
Chansey - (see Blissey)
Deoxys-D - What? Tyranitar all the way.
 Cofagrigus - No one uses it correctly, so I can defeat it with most of my
 Crustle - Trick on SR, Iron Head spam.
Dusclops - No one uses it, and it is Trick bait. 
 Ferrothorn - Heatran, and… number 18.
 Forretress - Heatran and 19, like the other half of the *$&?'ing metagame.
 Garbodor - Really? Heatran kills, and so does Jirachi. 
 Gigalith -  Jirachi bait unite!
 Gliscor - The one poke I have problems with, but if Heatran is behind a sub, it can stall along with Exeggotor. Chandelure can kill.
 Hippowdon - This poke was meant to give Exeggutor glory.
 Jellicent - Tyranitar and Exeggutor and, could it be, #20!!!
Latias - Ever heard of Tyranitar, or Heatran, or the number 21.
 Mandibuzz - Heatran, Tyranitar, and Jirachi kill it.
Murkrow - (See above) 
Ninetales - Tyranitar counters this so bad it's sad.  
Politoed - Tyranitar to Exeggutor spoils most Politoeds.
Porygon2 - Heatran to Tyranitar foils all Porygon2's.
 Rotom-H - First off, no one uses it, second off, I own Tyranitar.
Rotom-W - Exxy bait. ;-)
 Scolipede - Heatran, and 22.
 Skarmory - See above
 Snorlax - Jirachi tricks and Iron Head and kills most Snorlax.
 Suicune - Exegutor kills Suicune of all kind.
 Swampert - See above.
 Tentacruel - Tyranitar kills all Tentacruel.
Vaporeon - Exeggutor, then TTar ruins it.
 Whimsicott - Heatran, and the final countered by Chandelure. #23.
Xatu - Tyranitar kills all puny Xatu. 
 Zapdos - See above +Heatran

I didn't write this. I stole it from Smogon. But the comments are mine
The Assassin said:
The Power of Three said:
...Excuse me, am I reading that right? Did you just say that Cloyster packs MORE of a Punch than Gyarados? That statement is false. By a lot.

Whatever you do, don't use Explosion or Payback on Cloyster. Both of them got totally nuked this generation.
If you're going to use Gyro Ball, why wouldn't you use a Relaxed nature to use maximum damage output? Either way, it still won't be that great, because it doesn't get a STAB boost like Bronzong or Ferrothorn do. Earthquake is wasted, in my opinion. Surf or Waterfall get STAB, and provide for much better coverage. They hit Fire types just as hard as EQ, but they both hit rocks, like Tyranitar, and Grounds like Hippowdon much harder.

Surf hits harder than Waterfall, so use Surf with a Bold nature rather than an Impish one. Hydro Pump is also an option as it hits for more damage. If you want, Icicle Spear with an impish Nature can also be used, since it will always hit 5 times with Skill Link. Ice Beam has STAB, and can be used also, if you want to surprise stuff like Zapdos or Toronurosu (or whatever the heck the Electric Genie's name is.) Again, if you use Ice Beam, use a Bold nature.

He's factoring in Shell Break, in which Gyarados runs and hides from the sheer force that the almighty Cloyster unleashes.

I still disagree. Shell Break on Cloyster is extremely overrated. Yeah, Icicle Spear is annoying, but 1 special hit and it's dead. It doesn't really OHKO much, unless you're stupid enough to switch a dragon into it. Anything neutral to Surf or Icicle Spear won't be OHKO'd, unless it's EXTREMELY frail. Gyarados has Dragon Dance, Intimidate, and a base 100 sp. Defense. I fail to see how Cloyster packs more of a punch than Gyarados.

As for your threat list, I don't see how Latios is really Heatran bait. Latios would have to be switched into a Sub or a Torment for this to work, and once they figure out you're TormentTran, they'll just break sub before whatever they had out dies, and use Latios for a revenge kill.

EDIT: Ohey, the "reply" button is working.